Mind Our Self
...and, my self?
A 'scoop and full-stop for the foreseeable.
New site to accompany via a link on copies of John's Gospel to hand out.
A post to confess and proclaim my own 'mind-full and what'?
An audio reading of John on repeat listens.
Said what can to anyone know done-wrong and believe released to launch into solitude and seclusion.
Prayerletter.substack, if/when and have something to put out there. To resist the digital intake except in measures and minimal. Be a breeze and burst of relief to carry on blogging but it isn't a fruitful pursuit. Would feel alright and provide an illusory sense of purpose but time to do the right stuff am convicted and voluntary imprisoned over.
A deliberate and careful lay down.
M'mind and thinking...?
A difficult time. Fazed and fussed about the way we sometimes live and engage. For every frustration with someone is a contrary blessed encounter with an open and generous person or people.
While over and above, in and around, are signs and the presence of God for breakthrough.
Faith-talk in line with the promises from the Bible is on the rise. Fasting and what God gives in direct and/or inner impartation, (translated 'gifts of the Spirit') and; love —which sits in the middle. (Literal-wise and reading, First Corinthians 12-14).
In the background are three attacks and threats that loom and must be disrupted: digital payments and passports/ID, and the W.H.O. trying for a take over. All to get to children through needles, pills, and screen-saturation.
Those two sentences are all we need to know and what's doing with the enemy of humanity in the homes and streets we live.
The loss of hope and a future is the battle to regain (for those without it/much), new sight, that the war isn't lost and their aim to lock-us-up secure.
Quick flick on to Off-Guardian and find Death by Pixels from Sylvia Shawcross.
Into, faith and confessions. Sylvia is offering a version and what we might find inside ourselves. Am amazed at people I meet, or online, displaying courage whilst knowing what we have to be brave about.
Causes some to re-consider God and that in a come-around to the Bible revealed one. When it gets more difficult, even desperate to find respite, the questions can become cries to the unknown?
What could be the cause of our existence, albeit the maker in opposition to hate, evil and with intentions for life and with love?
Up for an honest blab. Be all about God. Can't fake otherwise.
Using someone's computer the past few days for a delve and swing around the block. A review of this revealing exercise and throw out impressions:
1) Discovered Michael Heiser died in February. Popularist but weighty and the preeminent theologian of the internet. Wasn't an open theist yet that way inclined. Commend his thoughtful and scholar-bringing but accessible approach of unusual import and positive influence. No one has taken so many studious evangelicals through a process of healthy reconsideration. Somewhat to do with his lack of allegiance to a particular tribe and tradition.
2) Stephen Sizer went on UK Column and posted the link on his blog. What a recovery and bold move. On one hand he went with the people of the lie and denied the relevance and justice of questioning '9/11' in public; now it's breadcrumbs back to UK Column.
All it takes: a link and a signpost. All done. An affirmation by way of association and participation. Man of God..., to care for investigation and discovery -over- tame and wimpy runaway.
3) Done Black Magic Bait & Switch: Analog People Turned Digital Prisoners truth-filled chat, as were a bunch of the toughest and digging discussions on Odysee and Bitchute.
The esoteric, unfolding, insightful and toward the real and what covers-up is the searchers understandable curiosity and quest. Realise any personal challenges are often upon a perceived outdated and lame-looking Christianity and/or version that isn't open. God is... and listened to a related discussion.
As for my direction? Getting on and into 'faith' and bold declarations on the promises of God. Prayer walks with an open bible. To believe God like a Pentecostal pioneer with caveats and a progressive take where discernment leads.
4) Identify with Tyler Staton and co. finding ways to go but their occasional strays into and acceptance of social and political deceptions to illustrate, grieves and troubles.
Heard a top tip revealer: what do we think about the first minutes or moments upon waking in the morning or last muse as we fall asleep?
Somewhat answers the question about where our head's at?
Our mind and relationship to the rest of our body and the foundations and outlook/worldview: Is there genuine choice? What's involuntary and inevitable, at least a product of the uncontrollable and overall random complexity of our unfolding history?
Can we choose?
The ever-growing contemporary philosophical and psychological assumption is we're determined beings.
Reason and foundation for my personal libertarian view (not determined) our self is beyond biology and physical understanding. Claim: God indwells and/or enables through common grace and what we're consciousness all-about. A soul and the capacity to make a genuine new move.
Same goes for God in free and able, to do a new... whatever, within character and the constancy of love and justice is permissible. Convinced, God is a redeemer in the action 2000 years ago and what happened in the 'atonement' and provision for a one on one engagement with every willing person on earth. Am certain my blowing it and messing up cause work for God and the good entities in God's service but greater is... God's grace and power to engineer and presence to care for in response and relationship.
Add the old Ad, to remind that all that the blogging has been about is replication and encouragement any young or oldie in how and why to face demonstrable evidence of facts and speak up in love and hope. Actually the word to use isn't about copying (can't recall, what) but DIY and which way we can and do.
Not, duplicate is perhaps the notion.
Agree all looks and seems normal-ish out there in the local thoroughfare and sunshine. Can't kid ya and go singing along and smiling about. Not into getting heavy and intense about the state of things but take what lead and opportunity?
Usual plea and explanation: Because living otherwise is a cover-up inside and trauma-making. Done enough of that upon m'self with at least a degree in exchanging the script for what I believe and don't doubt is true.
Free to...
Hope has faded to new levels over the last few years and remains the battleground for the fight.
Alongside this is a freedom to re-take our independence with personal unique capacity. To have responsibility. There's no conclusive way to prove hard-care determinism, the half-way compatibilist view, or (as the biblical narrative presents), and a full-on libertarian position.
Take my stand from the bible and leading in reading it, reason and rational observations, and look at the traditions. God is real (to me) and accept the justice, judgement, mercy, and truth that brought the life of Jesus on earth to die to live again is knowable and personal. An experience and belief.
In the gospel of John are two words that sum up Jesus and intention: FULL of grace and truth.
In those who dismiss or don't accept the person-encountering and by-and-large evangelical understanding of God find doubts in three particular and common to cite aspects of theology:
The triune and one God. Revealed as three-persons and dubbed 'trinity'. This includes God able to be physical as in Jesus on earth.
Time. All a flux and something other than the moment we're in and relationship between two events.
Traditions within 2000 years of Church history. All is said to be conspiracy and bunkum but where's the depth of analysis? Accept am making a vague claim but in particular and the last century is maligned and misunderstood. Dismissed and caricatured. Get why to some degree but provokes me want to explain and offer another side.
On that? Must do what/when/opportunity, and able.
The over and above is consent and numbers to keep freedom to speak alive.
Will there be sufficient disconnect and standing?
Mike Yeadon leads the call.
Off and the need to be on this imaginary stage. The most to do is be the prophetic action. Fast and pray. Love and know God like ne'er known and intimacy and power.
No complaints, although the last three years took its brutal toll. Not..., God's doing. The hangover and debilitating affects upon me are shifting and the bible and mission, the way and through.
The mysteries of life, (and the troubles), can lead us on and into the wonder, love and praise with God. All that's needed is to know the possibility and be sincere to seek and if(?) so..., the claim is we'll see.
Can't decide for sure how wide God's mercy is but there's an urgency to share the message to all who'll take time to enquire. Going for signs and wonders, healing and deliverance, without the often associated Christian-cultural baggage and substandard thinking, talking and/or attitude. Got to be said and rare to find fellow-travellers. The solution is to help make the most of the evangelicals and/or open searchers-toward and find the grace and truth, God gives and lives in me, to express.
The single overriding explanation for why-so-bad is the concept and reality of the demonic and evil entities having been allowed to roam and reign; through the lack of faith and Holy Spirit filled and operating and out-there Christians.
Society is under a criminal siege. We've permitted it to happen, not knowing our authority in Christ and relationship with God that takes this up and alternatives. We let the devil get to this collective extent and the line must be drawn with and through people, of and for..., truth and grace.
Close sum-up from Dr. Stephen Frost.
Open and rise-up material and means is the Bible, and the present one, i.e. the Holy Spirit.