Meet The Real Life Witches
After spending time with some witches, Rev Peter Laws believes the Church has been guilty of misunderstanding what they believe and practise
'Thirty ministers in training are sitting in a lecture room at Spurgeon’s Bible college. I’m one of them. The air is fizzing with tension. People stare in shock at the speaker; a few shake their heads at this respected scholar. One of his Old Testament tomes is on our required reading list, yet he’s just also told us that he owns a set of tarot cards. It’s the sort of comment that makes the air hiss. Somebody’s pen is slowly clicking on and off, on and off.
He pulls a tarot deck from his bag. ‘The cards have a surprising amount of Christian symbolism in them,’ he says. ‘I sometimes take them to psychic fairs…they help me share my faith.’ He opens the pack and then says something that makes the pen clicker stop dead. ‘Pass them round.’
They’re average-size cards. They aren’t glowing. There’s no demonic hum. But he hasn’t exactly asked us to just shuffle for Pontoon. He sets them softly on the first desk and something fascinating happens. Several students lift their arms clean off the table. Some scrape their chairs back. ‘There’s no way I’m touching them,’ says one. Another mutters, ‘This is so dodgy.’ When the pack lands in front of me, I can feel the sympathetic stares. It’s like I’ve been handed a loaded Kalashnikov.' MORE
My comment:
A liberating read. Dark and destructive, here, there and anywhere – not a misunderstood, 'especially over there'. And this among people, relatively, of peace. Teaching, to increase discernment. I comment around these areas on two or three websites, (not Christian-based). Found my own perspective shift some. Particularly in respects to those who name their belief and practices with the term 'Satan'. Correspondingly in less, and more, concerned directions. To some degree this is healthy, in trying to be open to God. In the Spirit and Word, an eye on traditions, and with all the reason I can muster.
I want to know, to pray aright. And write – right. This all. Maybe reach-out. My only critique with the article is; 'Official investigations produced no evidence of satanic conspiracies or widespread ritual abuse.' The first word, the key, in pausing confidence. The extent is hidden. 'Officially so', it seems, in parts. There's credible research that challenges, the 'been exaggerated' position. I certainly wouldn't let the 'satanic panic' label be the last word. Responsible and measured alarm, I believe, is in order. At least keep open and hear alleged 'survivors'/read academics etc. Again, shifting thinking for me, in having to conclude the level of organised child-abuse is a conspiracy considerably more widespread, than most people accept or acknowledge. This, about the most anti-Christ, in our midst. Including, beyond reasonable doubt – rituals including murder. Crimes requiring investigation and justice. If this wasn't the case, dig-a-little/find research, wouldn't bear this out. Yes, some and some. But the sheer numbers and consistency claiming-testimony, is too comprehensive to simply dismiss.
This article rightly lights up the terrain, people – whom the one we know loves so, is calling to himself. I commend Premier. It'll be hard for some to receive this but for many, a moving forward to be wise and gentle. Powerful in truth, not error. All the best to you. And thanks.