Meet The Old Same
We're in preposterous overdrive. Excelling in bullshit regardless of claims is having the desired sedation. People, unless-awake, succumbing to Russ-hate. The new Nazi vibe. "How dare they..."
Almost regret, we'll see a back down. Reading; One can say with certainty that Vladimir Putin’s presentation of Russia’s new weapons systems during his Address to the Federal Assembly on 1 March has finally elicited the desired response from its target audience in Washington, D.C.
The 'regret' and 'back down' is no bubble -- of course, not-war -- bursts out. We need these clowns in suits to and/get, push/ed too far. Caught naked and shamed among the masses. Obvious care not about dwindling and straggling alt. opp. These are 'conspiracy theorists' and deemed mental unwell. Their messages through lie-politics are for the many -and- inner-circles.
(On this: Watch all on the edges mainline be directed to rattle off their belief '9/11 an outside job' as an allowance to remain... ignoring any accusations and "one of them" is not enough. "State that Govt. creed".)
This push-push-push, brink-brink-brink and significant US corrupt elites in handcuffs "soon, soon..." is at an alt. talk frenzy. When/if not, will disappointment and decimate the online opposition. Traitor Trump and meet the old same bosses through and through -- for some, a debate.
The Burning Blogger writes; If there’s one thing President Trump was right about (and it’s probably only one thing), it’s that the United States and Russia need to step back from provocations and start talking like grown-ups.
War imminent and no bombing Damascus, what will this say? Oh, careful we hear, "thank you" for politico diplomacy. Sad and could-be likely, all in a unipolar theatre company and the accurate analysis.
Think this can be a "yes" and "no". Summit-types in tensions and disconnects. Deals and threats. Agree and the betrayal when required. One, no turn back: WW3. Goes with; collapse the dollar.
A pretend Putin slap-down and save the UK etc. face. Enough tensions between not to shout farce.
To see and hear Boris Johnson signifies the man's blackmailed to the hilt or who-knows-what? Needs to look tough and eager to display. Why -- let's go with Putin is for provoking through looks a false-flag -- would this exact, such... a public response? With every obedient slave shilling along.
Do those in Tory etc. puppet central HQ care what anyone mass-wise thinks? Unless there are some votes and more dodgy bills needing an MP push? Why other..?
Writing around this PCR states; Has Russia Had Enough? and, the benefit of this absurd response, which the Russians declared to be shameful, is to make clear to the Russian government that it is a waste of time to try, yet again...
OK -- in on/and off:
Back to BBB... all of this 'might' be pantomime looks, to give-way to; ...the overriding and broader dynamic of how Russia is portrayed and treated by the United States and the West is encapsulated entirely in the dynamics of how Russia’s involvement in Syria has been portrayed.
Syria is where the revelation remains. Front-line for most of the last decade. Where bombs talk louder than words. And an all-expected Syria false-flag leads to...
To what? BBB ends with; ...need to step back from provocations and start talking like grown-ups. The alternatives are too stupid, and too dangerous, to think about.
Or, drugged-up like/literal wound-up, religious zealots, have nowhere else to go. There's that?
What a grueling prospect: Evil all-hands across said east-west and mind games? Coupled with proud bullies prepared to destroy and risk their own destruction. Dangerous rats in a closing-in corner. Think, better to throw all up and not face their utter deterioration through exposure.
Hope is they care to care how seen. Ours is they show too much. In between, the next false-flag and how far by negligence, or need-to self-disclose go?
Type and film on or/until lights off.
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