Mear One
Israelis attack Christians celebrating Palm Sunday
Seymour Hersh, My Lai & the Decline in Real Journalism…
The Mural The BBC Report As Anti-Semolinaic
Presumably, Luciana Berger a Labour lawmaker was flying solo in her ask-Jeremy tweet. The hidden and emerging hand of the Censor-Ship might not be as into this slap. Said image is not only supposed anti-Jewish but about the best one-stop vision of real politic.
Counter-intuitive looking move? Makes no sense but a blunder -- or is it?
First; 'wise men say, only fools... but...' -- this can't-help line, offers an explanation. M'hunch has it as pride-making-fall of a pushing, feisty gal's career opportunity. Make the headlines show colleagues are able to take the heat.
No way is this damaging for Corbyn. Increasing opportunity to embolden cred among centralist critics. Kiss a Rabbi or two and talk up for Israel. Bend over and bite on this.
Everyone knows his past cobwebs, no amount of re-hashing significant and opinion adds. Lefties who voted him in, get his 'playing politics'. Their dismay over his increasing compromise, well established.
Middle Eng. aren't the reflected media spin. The image itself might frighten and bring dumb revulsion but not the claimed racism. Of course, almost no one will read Mear One and view of the artwork, or look at the graf, if into being a sheep.
"Was going to vote..." Hold on who am I kidding? Vote = what?
Media lackey's need us to believe Labour is ready to do as told. There's this. Ready for rigging in -or out and the next puppet in Parliament. Moved by threat or coercion. Is Jeremy that little less on a lead? Am I dreaming?
This week's tough on leaving EU line. Again, you wonder if the div who got sacked for talking 2nd Ref. might as well support-leave. Making it harder for Corbyn to do a double back turnaround when/if assume/gets in. Out of sheer pain in having to swallow all that resentment. Their smug smiles he's buckled and Blairited.
Blun-der though. Or, "thank God", depending on which side of the justice fence one stands?
For Jeremy's head, it's about having to lie some more. 'Enough is enough' shouted the Jewish-based censors. Reckon this will be his cry at night. The hammering ignominy and more creep and cower.
I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image.
And/after in 2012, saying;
You are in good company. Rockerfeller destroyed Diego Viera’s mural because it includes a picture of Lenin.
Oh... feel his pain. Any vestiges of humanity and in this for good causes, being slow and sure, battered out of. This for him. Unto the Illuminati mission and bow. This all that matters. Have as many can/SAY. Knowing but silent is so less powerful. Denial through deflection, never enough. Have to get someone to utter what we all with reason and logic can see is bull. Get him to lie, have legions of presstitutes and public figures gaggle along. Pretend or accuse. Protect and serve the satanic. (Def. the role of accuser and deceiver). Have a public either know this to be or be that gullible and sleep through.
Not look but see. The creed of our times. It's religious.
On this, here's Jordan P, not only following the direction but deconstructing as wise. 'An Antidote to Chaos.' And not and here, a recipe...
First line and 'Rule 6: Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world'.
'A Religious Problem'.
'It does not seem reasonable to describe the young man who shot twenty children and six staff members at Sandy Hook... as a religious person.'
Like Jeremy, not look but... or; looked-ish but dare not; or did and know best what must do and flex some solidarity with big bro; or...
We could all scenario on.
Not because anyone masses care that much about these incident-headline scams. Noted the Trebes one faded off the front-page in a zip. If there hadn't been a hero story, even quicker. Put with 'false-flag', the obligatory and sane to do move, in a search engine. One article on no-surprises where. No comments.
The deception is all about acclimatising and acceptance.
Leave this to ponder:
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