Manufacturing Terror
Bodyguard (TV) is one pumped-up hit. Indulged along as part of my 'caring duties' -- although wouldn't ever watch the thing at all if down to me.
Could see this one got exceptional hype and flag-waving. All TV-triumphant and ohhh...ahhh... what's going to happen? Through to the victory cries and record-breaking ten million watching. No shortage of pundits getting on a self-congratulating bender.
Cannot stomach reading an article about it and there seem to be many. Rather, link and 'scoop' Roberts' on Syria and Emotion Is Supplanting Evidence As The Basis For Truth.
Begins with; One of the reasons that truth is on the decline is that truth is becoming emotion-based, not evidence-based. It is all about feelings.
Bodyguard eh? What's happening and what else is going on? Questions about the emotion surging forth as people watch, yet can't work out the deeper what for and why? Believing there's an intended-for metaphysical dimension. In jumping to concluding wondering but blank and discerning explanations, suggest:
All about ritual and engagement with the negative/evil unseen. In line with having a theology that makes sense of this. But the dynamics and enemy benefits? Yet, to get much clarity on. Accept all mumbo to a materialist but for me, the argument is about effort and motivation.
We hardly need more indoctrination. The stupidity among all but the smallest number of people is rock solid. What purpose is there to keep on piling on the trash-talk without necessity? All that effort and contend obvious in its contrived messages. Unless it's all a sick joke on us? That's all and it -- suppose a possibility?
Running through and from a surface level:
The first episode or two got me with its sexual frisson and psychological intrigue. The thrill of a woman in a position of power getting it on with... well, by now, likely know the story. The later parts went into a conspiracy and the issue of who's behind the politician's murder. Against-all-odds and one man vs. 'the world'.
The obvious overview has TV provide dramatic expression for our ancient passions. Contemporary Shakespeare. Themes abound, bringing human perspective, to what's seen but hidden in current affairs.
A production process all about feeding the interest and desires of potential viewers. Sure a bit of establishment and BBC politically-correct shaping but all in all... "that's entertainment". Keep it simple. Bums on sofas and whatever grips the imagination.
Next-level thinking identifies more contrived and nefarious outcomes. There to reinforce certain propaganda and dumbed-down education. Bolster public support. Such as; we have corruption among law enforcement etc. but goodies in the main going to weed them out. Justice wins and Britain great.
An assumption in maintaining Islamic terrorism in the UK is real and present. Driven by Islamist ideology. Hate 'the west' for overseas invasions and our heretical ways. Bring the war to the streets etc.
For this, we need our protectors and who -- of course -- are all about our safety. The latest 2000 persons new UK 'spy agency' a timely reminder.
The final throw-in and this program managing to combine anti-sexism with Islamic zeal. A neat double-hander. The bomber misrepresented as a vulnerable woman, not the clever zealot out to destroy.
Quite something to hit those two bells in one.
Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent puts forward there's a 20% feeding and fed elite. With 80% divided-up and set against each other. In the main distracted off and distant from engaging on serious social issues.
Manufacturing Terror.
This here comment has me consider the terrible state of our self-awareness. As Roberts' states, we are feeling centred, to the exclusion of evidence. The projected news-flash is like a dodgy preacher calling to a crowd. Mesmerised, regardless of what's actually said -- go along.
Besotted by the BBC etc. No amount of information to the contrary counts. It's not an information war. The info's out there. With two responses; "Don't care" or, "don't want to believe -- so won't". Feels right... that'll do.
Feels like eh. The predicted Soma and Brave New World are upon us. Take the pills and feel the rush. Watch the thriller and don't spoil the fun with facts.