Love Their Servitude
'Something Unprecedented Is Happening at Bilderberg 2018', leading Truthstream Media to kick up a storm, as front and centre in-studio broadcaster for these times. Perfect pitch production. Turning to Twitter; Charlie Skelton, Luke Rudkowski, Dan Dicks and, Josh Friedman -- who got the cops, crashing in at 4 am. Blatant hot and horrible, yet Daniel Estulin is pouring cold water? What's that all about? What a downer on him this produces. Even if he believes, to come across so... (see Truthstream video 19:46 -- tweet now deleted).
Makes for lament, the stark lack of Bilderberg attention. While the few daring and intrepid in Turin covering bring inspiration. Feels like only one of few looking in. As for coverage... the ones mentioned put on a breezy and brave face but likely concerned. Truth to power -- is hardly on the up 'n up.
Here I am, tapping to who knows who/if/at all? Won't self-promote in making contact or comment. The last post contacted someone to encourage. On this one, might say something on Aangirfan and link, since am back at it. Who knows why? Understand, and their readers know to ignore but anyway -- who says, I'm doing this for you/you/you... you, eh?
So, and what? Can these words, do anyone or anything good? Write this to express and plumb a dilemma. Write to/for 'you know who'. Write, because it's my quid in the charity box. Crazy-seems thinking, it matters, in other realms and ways. Like prayer and prophecy claims to.
Reasons to use the internet to communicate about Bilderberg. And etc?
First off: Do we care, that they who want to boss us into widespread suffering, think we don't?
The arrogance of these lords and ladies of the new royalty is considerable. Putting over a "we're like you" and want to love life too smile. Ones and two's, walking about outside the fortress, doing a nonchalant all free and easy. Symbolic of the wider carry-on. Are the ones doing it making this trek their cathartic reflection? A way to process suspicions and test the reality they're immersing into. Venture out in public. Nothing to hide/be scared or shamed over. Pretend normal and deal with the awkward. A nagging impression, they shouldn't or can't, go out.
The 'right' to be able to meet in private and not look put out they're hit on by civil journos. Strolling about, then the conviction begins to trouble. Not even that many about to follow in their footsteps. All conciliatory and light. Sudden jolt, the mere act of someone asking what-up seems obtrusive. "Nothing to hide/nothing to say" all-a-rumble inside. Do they want to believe they're accepted, else why come out at all? That feeling of being a prisoner in a confined space. Not used to not slinking about the shops among peep.
Welcome to New World Order. Is this what they want?
As far as I understand Bilderberg is like a job fair. The inner few, scanning the outer lot, to recruit into the deeper dark bad-magic. The outward and unmistakable sicker stuff. Be this population manipulation and managing a cull, or connecting with unseen entities. The death cult bit.
Bilderberg is a way of being 'in power'. Giving those involved a sense they have a say in who are the next big puppets in politics. Told 'things' with a wink and pat on the back in achieving the presenting honour to be the in-crowd.
To give participants a belief boost they -- are in control. Power -- brokers. Need the adulation, the touch, the feel, the clever chit chat and surge inside they are top of the pops. The guards from prying cameras and shouts.
Sure backroom deals needing face to face looking get struck but reckon it's more a love in. A 'needing to talk', with everyone finding a fellow big-wig, to have upbuilding exchanges. Information sharing and discussion is the platform for the personal. Suspect it's for empowering the individual. A mutual executive coaching fest.
Very A.A. and "whatever's said in these rooms, stays in the rooms". Very A.A. and compulsive as crack.
It's for us to love our servitude, their trumpet Huxley blares out. Let's re-listen/read and resist inside this deadly perverse prophecy. A prescription for tears and misery unless..?
'A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the ... of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude'.
Hear this and go here and type. Freedom troopers in Turin getting pushed about by the lackey cops. Online some dozens/hundreds of supporters. Small things vs. Big Govt./Business, aka Fascism. And who cares? A street march and some clicking keyboards are something. Those who do not love their servitude.
One more hater here and thereby people in life as God-wants lover.