Look Shows The Struggle
Esquire: ‘Then entire thing is exceedingly uncomfortable.
Mike Pence was also at Trump Tower today, but no one seemed to know or care.
This story will be updated as our democracy continues to become a shitty VH1 reality show.’
First word typo aside, one easily predictable response. Hunting Kanye press reaction, bound to be a story. Because the p-p-p-athetic Press, in growing consistency, are – the story. The stretch between demanded mainstream manners and these ‘exceedingly uncomfortable… things’, brings ‘em quick wins, in their “paid pretty well thank you” dismissive, "oh ain’t we -so- sarKy" snaps.
With word of the month ‘democracy’ now termed the unwanted upset.
Brexit may well be a City wanted outcome, dragging-on long enough to be all-scapegoat and consolidation toward their kingdom within London. Getting ready to house and lock-off-from, for these Globalist rats.
Trump is different/is Trump different? A great unknown. Credibility building through dissent. His reign seems to only irk and trouble all the right wrong uns.
This next month will be the uncovering of Press-bullshit like never before. We’re living in hyper-lies. Never in all our years has the terrestrial news been in such all-out incredulous wind-up.
Bravado and jumbo self-belief, impulsive without always checking the cares, out-bursting and wealthy: Kanye like-Trump. And with K, the always likely to say-what – “so what?” – is finally proving, he might be pop’s Donald?
Too big to fail by swaying the sheep and threatening their dollars or rise-up. Got the top draw and maybe, just maybe, they’re prepared to risk all to remain loud as? To keep blabbing d’blab. All too yappy. Once media-funny ha-ha, now/and now-together, confound across the lines.
Those who hate… like… hate… love..? Oh the confusion. One, upset all but… combo.
No bothering looking for more press to de-construct. First one, cut and paste – Bam:
1) ‘Uncomfortable’ is an honest word. Assume Esquire have been front-cover Kanye luurve-ers? Now, he gone darn, off the reservation.
Concern is the division. Trump has been exploited to be this. We finally have liberals trying to re-assert tough but with no viable alternatives. And the problem is, we need peace, and most def best more come-together. But no guess what, rub and bemoan pundits on the box and in glossy mags like here do: Bump up the hostility, giving permission to emulate their snide and silly as commentary and smug-smart.
(SIDE NOTE: Can we be wrong? This is the need: Be wrong but let this inform deep enough to beat some pride down. K and T have been open and public-wise donks. Makes for hopeful wanna be better types. Makes for hopeful… ‘ambitious for peoples’ candidates. They care about masses/seems. Wonder how much?).
2) ‘Mike…’ The level of irrelevance is staggering.
3) ‘...to become’. Suppose desperate to find anything to write. Ignore all comparisons or perspective and state the world as is… but claim it’s all suddenly upon us. Is this blindness or wilful self-dillusion or simply say what-pays-what’s-required?
In March wrote:
And Kanye West: Unable to hide his probing and searching-look. That he so mismanages himself, I almost take hope. He goes off… what might well not be, central HQ contrived. Would that he'd become so sick in his indulgences he breaks-down. Pray 'Jesus walks' right in, on him.
And here:
'"Mr West, your limos wating and please don't forget your mask". My sense is, his look shows the struggle. Coz like muma said, 'Jesus walks'.'
Like Donald, all that pressure to buck the big-push through is looming and likely gonna be too much? But, some waves might be made. Questions is, who’ll pick them up and surf on with?
If K knocks out some long-lost banger sounds, that might help. Plus, write some words or do stuff to communicate some thing that matters, more than...
Esquire: Having recovered from a brief mental breakdown and stint in the hospital, Kanye West arrived at Trump Tower this morning, the headquarters of President-elect Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is at work filling positions for his cabinet as president of the United States, and currently needs to fill vacancies for Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Interior, U.S. Trade Representatives, and advisors on the economy and budget.
West, a Chicago rapper who didn't vote but expressed his support for Trump after the election, would be more than qualified for any of these positions—especially considering Ben Carson, Steve Bannon, Betsy DeVos, and Andrew Puzder have already been given key positions in the administration.