My repetitive contribution to this argument is claiming the roots are about tribal-held conceptions of time.
This isn't often, if at all noted, and therefore appreciated or presumably accepted as correct. And talking 'contribution' are about comments, primarily on Crimes of Empire and Burning Blogger. No come back, aside from the authors of these blogs.
The arguments around this subject underpin the major questions in Christian theology. While Islam follows the 'will of God is forever settled line' as Judaism does, or should specify -- Zionism.
No debate here and time. Ain't happening. God did it/does it/is doing it -- and all is held in eternal hands. Fixed installments. Seems like we're in a sequential drama but the producer's finished the box set.
"Get out of that without moving" as Eric Morecambe would say.
Decades proceeding 1948 were fertile for new developments upon the traditional post-Augustine view. The battle had been a Protestant awakening to Pope-the-Anti-Christ, with unfolding periods, a retrospectively-read, all-history, fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
Morphing off into 'Israel the key' coincided with the new shifts and Pentecostalism/later emerging as Charismatic renewal, which took in much of the church. By the 1980's the Charismatic experience was soaking up the final converts to gifts and a second baptism -- this one in the Spirit.
Shook up those resistant but they maintained an evangelical wing. Capital E and increasingly viewing the hand-waving, chorus-wailing lot, as off with the fairies. These non-Charismatics are mixed on the Zionism front but have maintained a strong opposing presence.
Apart from some conspicuous exceptions -- primarily ones who hold to time not timelessness -- the charismatic church had their new proxy concern and must-protect cause. Required the widespread church-promotion of repentance from Gentile over Hebrew thinking, recognition of a missing chord 'our Jewish roots'.
And... here it comes... the church had been and lingering is; The big and baddest anti-Semitic vehicle. The anti- most and worst offenders. Therefore... cometh the pay-back.
After those early years of Jewish persecution of the church, the victims became the subsequent oppressors. The stomped upon, the boot.
Yet, since 'all is of God' the modern exodus and call for all Jews to return to reborn Israel, is considered preparation for a Messianic-Y'shua-believing revival. Following the varied but detailed interpretations about the end of the end times and New Jerusalem.
Israel today is considered by the Israel-centric as The Sign and wonder. The hard, land-rock evidence, of a living God. For those dubbed Calvinists and in the main, the Charismatic ones.
Having said this the landscape is shifting and Christian Zionists see themselves as the faithful remnant battling the growing apostasy. The majority standing for Israel today/in the Bible, have distinctly cooled down about, or at least place it down the list of priorities.
Of course, all is always all-unfolding and as is 'written' -- nothing otherwise. Might seem so but said to be, that the future isn't flawed or flexible. (Now you get the 'repetitive contribution' bit eh?)
RE; antisemitic... Ok the Judeophobia roots. They're not about historical revisionism but a revision of what-history-is?
The past doesn't lie, does it? And so goes tomorrow. A train and tracks.
The trainspotters aren't troubled by disputes from Khazar back to Babylon, from Exodus to the Holocaust. Talmud or Temple. ALL of God.
Try arguing with this/that?
Not even ordered but ordained, not arranged along the way but a manifestation of the inevitable: How else a modern-day Israel raise up like a Lazarus and in their downtrodden diaspora-ing survive?
Thrown into the corner and handling the filthy lucre was their blessing in disguise. Hence their considerable financially-influential ones and so -- our jealousy.
Freud, Einstein and borderline bods like Marx, are the famous tip of their disproportionate Godly-like deposit on earth. How come, if not?
And all those clever ones and funny ones and fashionable ones and as for doctors... scientists, artists and intellectuals? A mountain. We should accept the heights and stop moaning.
Jewish people themselves and supporters, who adhere to exceptionalism or supremacy, have a steely confidence. Believe are hated, because they're uniquely 'of God' -- with even the Jewish Jesus one agreeing. Or, so say the Church, Israel etc. listen to.
It isn't hubris and desperation, self-belief and family values. Their story and continuing struggle is seen as obviously validating, the miraculous touch, that's upon them.
So the calling-out Jewish-racism ones, who identify as being Jewish or Christian, are oblivious to challenges and what is Jewish and identity.
Anti-S is the last battle and final outburst of blasphemous heathenism and idolatry. Their battle is won. Even suffering is counter-intuitive victory onward. More; moves in mysterious ways...
The Saker might bring a crash-course and unsurprisingly top-education but that's his time-based human perspective and defunct, when the heavens declare, God has chosen sides.
Below are 'true causes' but philosophically it's about two final views; Is the future closed, or open?
The Saker: A Crash Course On The True Causes Of “Antisemitism”
So first, let’s dump this silly term and replace it by a simple and straightforward one: judeophobia. Just like any other phobia (say, for example, russophobia) the phobia of X is the 1) fear and/or hatred of X. Some people hate Jews, others fear them (think of the “fear of the Jews” in the Scripture), some do both. So judeophobia seems both logical and uncontroversial to me.
Second, it is a truism to say that everything in the universe has a cause. That includes phobias. Including russophobia and judeophobia. For example, I would be the first person to admit that there are objective characteristics of the Russian people which makes other people fear and hate them. Like the fact that all western attempts at conquering Russia have failed. Or that the Russians have always, and still are, rejecting the Papacy. Just these two factors will create plenty of russophobia in the West, for sure.
So, the next thing we can ask ourselves is what is it in Jews which causes judeophobia. Alas, before I look into this, I need to clarify a number of assumptions I make.
The first one is that Jews are not a race or ethnicity. To prove that, I defer to Shlomo Sand’s book “The Invention of the Jewish People”. As I explained elsewhere, Jews are a tribe: A group one can chose to join (Elizabeth Taylor) or leave (Gilad Atzmon). In other words, I see “Jewishness” as a culture, or ideology, or education or any other number of things, but not something rooted in biology. However, I also fully agree with Atzmon when he says that Jews are not a race, but that Jewish culture/politics/ideology is racist (more about that later). MORE