It Is Becoming Biblical
Reticent to look far on the web at all yet what to scoop? Snap of evangelising (pic above) in church meet earlier, looking for writers (yes B.). And what to prattle about? Pick one word search engine, choose? OK, one site? Risk the challenge. Paul Craig Roberts be a safe bet. Go two back – obviously eh – and quote from the revelation of Jesus Christ via John. Call this; ‘it is becoming biblical.’
Start. Last line. Which continues, '…becoming biblical, Washington the anti-Christ is subverting all good on earth.’
Good to see Paul is clear in his eschatology. John had Niro in mind, no theo-historical more likely, a view. Paul understandably Washington in Columbia state, one of three. With the Vatican, or where I place the apex, in the City of London. Competing to be anti-Christ. Plurality. They come and the aim is – go. We don’t want them sticking around. Anti-C reign is not a given. Not necessarily now. That’s just it and locking into blueprint futurism is consistent with exhaustive foreknowledge. But that ain't God.
Washington is the obvious beast and I respect Paul refusing to be deflected away. Would that we understand these dynamics, prophetically calling we declare and do what can about?
So appreciate where Paul graciously 'knocks heads' with not-matter who. His talks with Richie Allen has some revealing moments. And he'll challenge Alex Jones or anyone. Is he right always, well I'm... challenged. As I said, had one site to choose.
Moving on:
Paul Craig Roberts is careful, and has it right; ‘subverting all good’. A fine summery. Not unstoppable corruption because the 'Pale' is... a Bible clue. Placed in text by God, seeing all now then, and popping in a SIGN, for the believers to be, encouraged.
Search engine'd for an interpretation of Pale Horse: ‘Chloros - where we get our word chlorophyll. In short, this is the Green Horse … Islamic militancy’.
God sees the green or God makes the green and in the revelation, you're seeing the future? Now fills in contemporary details 'ahead of time' but God / no time?
To tell the saints..? What... oh I know, all those bystanders will be convinced, "it's a sign..." and a wonder? A "what must I do be saved" convinced... and convicted. "Darn, gone, it's in the Book".
Respect but... isn't working and hasn't, while many doubt this, have gone. From Sunday Church-ing, can say that. Not a crowd-puller. Why?
It isn't of God.
Goal posts moved, Islam took over from Communism. Quote above is from James Lloyd 2001, at least he was a little earlier than the false-flag ignoring lot today. In 2001, perhaps some excuse. After all, the clever line was Islam isn’t discussed critically. Then came the entrance march of "you’ll believe what we tell you, please". Tower collapse – or was that, demolition?
And Paul Craig Roberts spoke up. The man who it's a little difficult to brush, crack-pot, off. One who publicly changed his positions. I say this, to underline his most distinct attribute... attitude. Man goes where integrity of information takes, refuses to stop. Slowly re-considering, way before 2001, on multitudes of the best outlets, now writes these sterling posts.
Share his analysis? In dissecting neo-con-ism, undoubtedly. The place of Russia, I'm feeling unorthodox doubts. Even then, it's hard not to follow his reasoning or logic, all over the place.
His piece kicks off with; 'The entire world is helping Washington foment wars'.
Said enough? And, 'two targeted countries...
Assume Putin and counterparts read this. And the what, do they listen? Can they?
Should stop, to read, knowing:
Behold a Pale Horse, and its Rider is Death
Paul Craig Roberts
Two of America’s most populous states, Texas and Florida, are in hurricane ruins, and Washington is fomenting more wars.
The US national debt is now over $20 trillion, and Washington is fomenting more wars.
The entire world is helping Washington foment wars—including two targeted countries themselves—Russia and China—both of which are helping Washington foment more wars. Believe it or not, both Russia and China voted with Washington on the UN Security Council to impose more and harsher sanctions on North Korea, a country guilty of nothing but a desire to have the means to protect itself from the US and not become yet another Washington victim like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Serbia, and Ukraine overthrown in a US coup and now poverty-stricken.
I once thought that Russia and China were checks on Washington’s unilateralism, but apparently not. Both governments have been knuckled under by Washington and both voted to punish North Korea for striving to be sufficiently armed to protect its sovereignty from Washington. MORE
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