Information Or Disinformation?
Skip read and here's me yapping, recipe for some ridiculous pontificating. Gets my daily duty done before out, so here goes, m'gagging-for fans:
So appreciate, articles that cause me to react in some disagreement while pushing through, what could be, and strikes likely and true the cobwebs and subterfuge of less-spoken talk.
The tones a bit bolshy and I'm a bit over-statement-phobic. In manner, obscuring the material and missing the target. In writing and presumably aiming to over-turn sceptics, by whatever means necessary, why people with good reason believe as do requires acknowledgement and some respectful deconstruct? Me thinks. Ex-Biblebashers are well acquainted with this
As said, spent five minutes on and half this, on the smattering so-far comments. Immediately glanced through, wanted to dash for responses.
Two identical posts, will return once comments get bountiful and feisty, 'becoming' the main substance of this cry-forth.
Two stand-out "hello" how so sure?
That alt.Right are anti-Zionist / Rothschilds aren't loaded beyond most, or all, of the other loaded-ones? And, throw in a third, 'Israel' are somehow in a fight with the physical-fighters, dubbed Muslim.
Alt.Right pop. and broadly, far as see, are notoriously softer on Zionism than is helpful for open discussion. On to capital N. Nationalists and their competitive racial ideology. Then we got some on unashamed Jew-hate, close too or proper genetic (depending on heritage theory), Talmud vs the rest.
Therefore, don't get that? (Of course will re-read properly later and may have to swallow some 'umble pie and what he's saying).
Rothschild riches? How the heck does 'anyone' know either way? Bet even the board in their top-floor cube at New Court aren't all in. Plus, word-making-sense, is there's another above top-floor lot. Won't spit out family names and which/whose on list but back to the Roth's. To be as 'sure as' think I read/said? Come off it. Surmise, suppose, suspect but we can't be...
As for Israel, whatever this constitutes and means? Give Brendon his fiery due (not, he should get some comeback on this potential over-statement but yes, agree it's 'all dem' is too broad a brush. While a tool or more the hands on the handle is again difficult to sus.
As over the top promoted one-way, as scurried from and refuse to much discuss, the other.
OK. How to write about what you barely read. High ignorance wielding.
Should wise-up but since view in a vacuum, Do-I-Give-A... (If I knew there readers probably moderate like mad/ e.g. the mad). Me, my intended audience. Probably could go on either/or both posts and make a try-sound smarty comment and drop this and a link. Drag a few new to Scoop over. Nah... bov, probably, coz dunno why, matters?
This is the info-warring dilemma. We might output, from input but who wants to enable more. Of us. And this the jumbo need. Little Brandon's barking and yapping all over the web. Instead the partisan and info-stars, keeps people in a Disney-influenced mind set.
'Truth is a lonely warrior' wrote Perloff. The -- divide and conquer.
News Flash: You Tube's most provocative and challenge-lies' voices have been banned and/or discouraged off, through setting up repeatedly and loss of ground.
THIS, is the Major Disinformation Trend -- that it doesn't matter.
Does. Of course. We'll see a participation through ordinaries output revival -or-
and/ God have mercy on us.
Major Disinformation Trend In 2017: Fascists Were The Good Guys? by Brandon Smith
(C/o Zero Hedge re-posting titled; 'Amid 2017's Fascist Disinformation Mania, Brandon Smith Fears "Something Larger Afoot"')
Years ago in 2012, I published a thorough examination of disinformation tactics used by globalist institutions as well as government and political outfits to manipulate the public and undermine legitimate analysts working to expose particular truths of our social and economic conditions. If you have not read this article, titled Disinformation: How It Works, I highly recommend you do so now. It will act as a solid foundation for what I am about to discuss in this article. Without a basic understanding of how lies are utilized, you will be in no position to grasp the complexities of disinformation trends being implemented today.
Much of what I am about to discuss will probably not become apparent for much of the mainstream and portions of the liberty movement for many years to come. Sadly, the biggest lies are often the hardest to see until time and distance are achieved.
If you want to be able to predict geopolitical and economic trends with any accuracy, you must first accept a couple of hard realities. First and foremost, the majority of cultural shifts and fiscal developments within our system are a product of social engineering by an organized collective of power elites. Second, you must understand that this collective is driven by the ideology of globalism — the pursuit of total centralization of financial and political control into the hands of a select few deemed as "superior" concertmasters or "maestros." As globalist insider, CFR member and mentor to Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, openly admitted in his book Tragedy And Hope:
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank ... sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." MORE