In Wonderland
The ceiling is relatively firm. Those on and up-for evidence and facts about world affairs, over feelings' ruling and “can’t be” – have, by ‘n large, shifted into position. Add to this, those in the relative-know, yet ‘bored with/give up/because...why... and for what, realistic purpose?’ – All digs-down and clearer assessment.
Talking about; Moving out publicly and declaring, the obscured or hidden by mainstream, great contemporary con.
Through individually contributing and shouting-out-about. And/or sharing how to prepare ‘going dark’ and networking for local community. Addressing corrupt and inept representatives. Refusing to participate in the merry-go-round of rotten business enterprise. A list only so long but it’s about doing the least something, to refute and redress the onslaught, then perhaps, just perhaps…
Slow-down, trip-up, catch the crim’s, upset the sleepwalk into hellhole.
There are existential quandaries about assertive political and social activity, with pressures and so little time but function and fun. Add to this, a myriad of psychological cul-de-sac's. And, yup, isn’t easy looking into ‘Babylon rising’ while ever-increasing numbers on every corner and sofa, are intentionally deciding against bothering. Not interested, beyond glancing 'the headlines' and a stock claim and ideal for better. So “moving on...” and play another song on the jukebox baby.
Rising numbers, through younger ones waking as they come of age, decimated by close to a decade of over-over-compulsive use of social-media. Pouring on lack of hope and the ever deeper loss of wider-empathy. The most profound mental-sickness epidemic of our times.
Scrambled heads and snookering outcomes.
The last outpost worth fighting-for repentance, are the unashamed smarty-arty media-heads. The most complicit people-group in the decline and fall. The pundits. Swish and lippy alt.right-er types and we the union lefties. All them smarmy liberals that fill papers and T.V. with their dreary complacency and utter bubble-world crap.
Here’s two hopefuls:
1) That the 'de-bunking and suppose pro-sceptics' come out much more and attack us ‘conspiracy’ types. Need their opposition and disdain. The best thing that could happen is their genuine or directed effort, to warn off the pop. from "this madness".
Debate – if open – is dangerous. Try, pushing the flags aren’t false, try? Most difficult. Once understandable suspicions are aired. Ooops. "Did you see that?"
2) Censorship will get over-energetic, too quickly and highlight hypocrisy, exposing the Cultural Marxism etc. Just getting a little too eager to nobble the opp. We must dare them. Address direct.
Upset them if poss. with taunts at their mutiny from the people, while diss-ing those on behalf and care-enough to go out and online, ask questions, that demand investigation.
If I had the ear of Truthers with audience reach, perhaps suggest the best tactic is name and address all and every mainstream-type's attempt to pretend (?) they have the upper intellectual hand.
This and about this alone, is the obviously creaking open door.
Best pro-open line is the fanning up by 'hit pieces'. How we need the difficult to resist opposition to stop ignoring these "ridiculous" claims. Need their spitting, snarling, all with quiet dismissive tones.
As they watch over and slap any and every one of 'their own' who dare question, dare call...
Next year, UK-Govt. ramping up the shut-down, are legislating that all online must be licensed to broadcast 'internet radio'.
This will represent one of the last battles for free-ish expression. Ofcom to become Off-con/spiracy talk. Throw in a few counter-positions for good measure but all the while, there's the one or two lines of enquiry that must be shut UP. Shot down. Belittled and buried. No certain employment, no this or that IF you dare...
Please oh God, can pride and gall get the better of commissioners and editors, owners and elite?
Have them get out the red pills and shove their warped revealing of method in our faces. Conversely, need to see masses voluntarily accept endless deletion from the net.
Looking for the de-bunkers: Come out ye from Babylon, show yourselves.
Please and:
Any women or men out there, among you/them? Perhaps any genuine believers it's all 'tin-hats' with balls?
Get on this and let's see an outpouring of disgust at these critical thinkers and like.
The hour is getting late.
First they came for the Nazis and pedophiles… by The Saker
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
I have to begin this analysis by asking for your understanding for the fact that it will include a lot of full-length quotes. Under normal circumstances, I would have simply provided links, but considering the topic I will be discussing, and how some things suddenly “disappear” on the Internet, full-length quotes is probably the best option. The topic I want to deal with is the brutal crackdown on free speech by the AngloZionist Empire by means of its ‘loyal corporations’. MORE