And 'This is What Climate Change Looks Like' on/from, the ever-prescient Memory Hole:
Need to get my breath back before listening to James and Michael, after thirty minutes of audio and, 'IF WE…'
To use a word from this knock-over interview, Galvanising. Some thoughts:
In line with my new- what's God got do with it (according to the Bible-one and me-schools of thinking)? Mmmmm..?
God promises some things, seemingly settled. 'Some-what' is due to our involvement, influence, capacity. The world, here, now. Toppling-over or balance back a bit? Seemingly this world, will survive, in some kind of tact. Or..? There's room Biblically, to read this.
Or, again... God steps in and ensure, if not rightly predicting what promised? Yet, dynamics, some would call metaphysical rules or what have you, limit God. By God's choice.
Should God have not-let creation begin or carry on because… is a fair question. God chose as did and so here we are.
To sit back and point at the Bible and say, “so therefore, what's it matter if the world blows its self up, or so cripples nature…” – I won't bother completing the next bit, because blasphemous enough – this has significant logical contradictions and Biblically-based challenges.
Could the planet be all but people-destroyed? Possibly? I don't think we've any reason from God-speak, to close-eyes and cross-fingers.
The earth, God has plans for, post-the next world coming. Jesus coming again. On this basis, how far, has to be made again, depends… on us. 'With' God. But God clearly says, is for life preservation and for Truther-like overcoming. No, two-which ways, otherwise.
This interview is prophetic. Tone and manner combine earnestness and sense. It's the heart in it that speaks of God. The cry and come on y'all let's stop the compulsive destroyers. “Let's do – whether, at all, in the minds of those in this interview – what God wants”.
Let's listen and Galv-up.
Below is a comment I made on, ever lighthouse, Tap:
What a calling conversation. For all we hear, quite extraordinary. I knew some of this and extent, but to hear it spoken with such urgency, clarity and, yes, hope. Men who care and see a narrow way through – and a future. I’ve always thought geo-engineering could be the widest gate. This talk, is as strong and convicting as it gets. Half-an-hour. Epic.
I wrote something earlier today, a review of a website, new to me. It would be my only add to the interview that rightly cries-out, no-fussing, must do all we can to help reach for a ‘critical mass’ of an awakening.
‘More having-a-goers, surely the way. No matter, could be seen as duplication. That’s not it. Increasing diversity and wider expanse. Like fishing. More is more. Catching. Overturning. For those who ‘want to know’ and want to tell. Encouragement to DIY.’