Grasping... by Zen
Grasping At Straws (The Illusion of Choice)
Zen Gardner, kicks-off with:
It’s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calculated societal breakdown. Americans have historically had such guts and strength, while albeit pitiful little is left, as they direct their vestigial frustration in such futile directions in the throes of their certain demise... MORE
I do like this positive call. Keep rambling on at the mo 'bout need for diversity.The necessary nemesis. Growing ability to stand and when speak into difference, but not divide. Or perhaps, better said – discourage. This article well-documents the illusion of choice but can't we at least concede, Donald stirs? Brexit a catalyst? And this, what's needed. Differences cause some distress, disagreements. Growth.
Central-shapers, they want no-debate eh. Keep pushing us to shut-up …about. (And how their overbearing, backfiring). The more just, accurate, honest position – someways matters less than causing discussion. At stake, free-speech. As our type and talk rages, the clashing that squeezes out, what's in or needed. Demonstrating 'our innate power of personal manifestation and all it would entail'. Yes, different shakes on what the power is and how got but wrestling in the conflicting, always betters. Thought-provoking piece, need to read again. Big-up.