Gonna do...
a james -- Fact or Fiction ? rewind..
Unusual to re-post a previous. One from James, with a loada me and kicked off with, a loada…
Fitting though, for 9/11 is all about repetition. Still and until, the revolution in our mass mental environment cracks the damn wall. Let's re-state a creed for reality:
‘The Western world has NO chance to live in freedom UNTIL...’
Get yet-wakey-wakey ones and most anyone, can’t blab at work – but down the pub, supper with friends, in bed and closest one... whispering?
To say "no" it’s like “they said” -or- otherwise and alarmed, is our generation's litmus test and who has the gall and honesty to admit the unspeakable in the kings court. Not to appease the rulers. Suck…
Rudeness, or anger? Where does that get ya on speeding up the slowly-rising open admittance, for most all anyone but those with, that public, a profile. Or perhaps, and pass the bucket, sick-inducing Left’s; “is it really, that, important?”.
The clouds billowing out and the image presents... a building with floors collapsing under heat?
Even more preposterous, Osama did it.
Foreknowledge is beyond doubt. It happened, insider’s knowing, trading on the airline’s market-loss. Most telling, the plane hit some of them betting away, in their offices. Pre-planned?
What doesn’t, demonstrate this or can be said to explain?
And planes at all? Recently saw a Richard Hall broadcast which carefully covered more speculative takes, more often decried, even for those calling “inside”.
Some want us to forget how and go “who”? Ryan Dawson, one for this. Too dismissive of other’s genuine and effective outreach, regardless of differences. As for ‘discredits researchers’ line? – Not a matter/At all. There’s low to no credibility, or even care, out there/here on the net.
All the offload, transfer and project-onto, sees to this. Bicker and bite. Easy solution: Disagree but… Not and... Slag-off. At least he – Dawson – is fair enough in calling-forth debaters.
Until, anything begins to demonstrate Osama’s Superman-like powers, add to this, a vast complexity of have to presume planted false-evidence?
– ‘Twas all a rogue-Govt./s operation.
Maintain is an inside act, should be challenged, yet where/who does? Face up to and face off a detractor – where be this? Who dare? Note those who won’t mention on their ‘political blogs’ and broadcasts etc the event at all. Are bought and paid for. Somehow and ever that comes. Directly through to – consider prudent, self-preservation.
‘Bought into’ peer pressure counts. And the silence is rusty. Dirty. Filthy acquiescence to the fuehrer's in their castles. Vichy-like ones.
Trying to grasp any known-know-lie but refuse to accept, always has socio-psycho-pathic consequences. Belies sanity. Shows up, should-be-concerned, holes. Of course, most who say they know it was Osama and gang, know full-well the curtain sits there, tightly drawn but – drum roll – that’s just “how we roll”.
So what a muddle. What compares? This the lie that keeps unseen enemies – in my book – neutering the potential power of God through people. Because 9/11, is one authority-robbing act of deceit. Where facts or faith are in view. In this case, this lie believed, causes havoc. Adherence and hail Caesar.
This 11/9/17, m.s.media inc. most-supposed-alt. will barely find reason to publish anything. Usually a bone is dropped to help, placed as a new development. Whistle and watch em run.
Perhaps people shrug at the distance since. Would be a JFK... BUT – this can never be the case. It’s our loudest demonic statement of faith. Credo to sleep. IF people dare think that 9/11 is a settled crime, without need for re-investigation, they're in a choir conducted by evil spirits. Bible calls them ‘unclean’. The impossibility to scrub off with any justification and say; care for family, friends, truth or love.
End from ‘The Faith of Christopher Hitchens’ which I intend to review.
‘There is no doubt that the horror of 9/11 had set something off deep within him. He understood, as those of the left failed to do, the real nature of the enemy’.
Not an anti-Hitchens-ite and the book, with the usual theological pause re ‘providential’ is well written and an endearing tale. But how perfectly this sums up the pretend and make 9/11 whatever suits the domineering over criminal evidence with the idol of ideology.
Updated on... 9/9.
Standard bearer and all-around compassionate truth warrior Robin / HowISee TheWorld – 9/11: Right Before Your Very Eyes, 17-Year Anniversary Episode
And, Aangirfan crashing and bashing on, with 9 11 INSIDE JOB - DAILY MAIL
And final update on 'the day of' and a humble retraction, that MSM would keep the lid on a little more firmly than this. C/o Darkmoon and Aangirfan. The following link is the source/article from The Daily Mail rightly beginning the title with; 'The conspiracies that won't go away...'
I stand corrected, claiming; 'This 11/9/17, m.s.media inc. most-supposed-alt. will barely find reason to publish anything.' Well they went for it, with comments no less. Read those and see the tide. 'The conspiracies that won't go away...'. Having said all this, it was published on the 8th and/or 9th.
And as of mid-morn UK time 11/9 -- not a dicky bird. Supposedly '53 per cent of Americans now doubt the official version of 9/11' yet, no one dares -- No One Dares -- even to report and challenge this 'controversial theory'.
Says it all.
9/11 And Myths – Crimes Of Empire / A Truthscoop re-post from July 14, 2016.
Of all the false-flags that make you go, “why this far..?” – Why make such spectacular destruction? 9/11 is one major passage in the ultimate green-lighters bad-spel of lies and deceit.
An argument can be made, this can only reasonably be assessed as coming from those intent on fulfilling deeper meanings and/or yes, cynical, perverse, motives?
These myth-makers went at least one building beyond, necessary to achieve subsequent; globalist lock-down, war and money aims.
Seems they need to want we believe, without doubt this world is 'their' world, with symbolism following. Imprinted in us, if we don't reject.
What evidence we have suggests, speaking to some manifesting 'otherlies' they claim to 'meet' – all proclaiming the 'bad news' they follow.
Contend they're fighting other myths. True ones in mine and – assume they know, to some warped extent – their books. These closest to hell, darkest-disciples, are under a spell in connecting with entities that deceive them.
In the closet but “coming out” – wanting worship and voluntary sacrifice.
They think there'll win or at least defeat the God of love and truth's promises for this world. This assuming they escape the fog enough to look and see.
Here's the good news: Not-a-chance.
“Have you come to destroy us...” the spirit cried out to Jesus.
Oh Yes. Oh yes.
But sex and drugs and dancing with demons puff their bravado such, they really 'believe' otherwise. So compelled. Religious 'crack'.
They're no joke though and there's no sympathy or grudging respect here. Nasty killers who need to be gone. Removed. Again – in some ways – they might know this but... they started/no way to get off.
Like a certain Pharaoh, they will not back-down in the face of God's offer. Gone beyond… God may even harden these ones heart's on occasions. This exceptional. But the escape route is possible for God-and-good-seeking peoples to accomplish.
And life-beyond? Whatever hope for eternity to live and in love – some will be asking to be destroyed. This lot are certainly them.
To repent would most-literally mean giving-up their lives for God. (Actually means this for one and all but – you can imagine? – for those leading the death-cult). They show all the signs of anti-Christ. The warning of a second death awaits them.
But like the towers, believe they can destroy sufficient, to see hate triumph.
Be honest my thinking over them and what God has and might reveal, is in its infancy. Would/and will, take me getting alone and on to some real-revelation to get better light. (And apologies if this isn't quite holding to make more, not less understandable).
But 9/11 is a gateway into the hidden revealed. 'We who refuse' (and this is what it takes) to believe the teenager grasping truths about this event, is to be a card-carrying follower of the deceiver's creed.
For this is their message; “trust us through your senior politicians, business mogals and lackey media and welcome us to bring your demise and extinction.”
We might be full of God's love otherwise but this stands as a confession in pretending, proudly resisting or too petrified to face; On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop… More
But you know as I write this, can tell, still scratching surfaces. These future Truthscoop posts – God willing – will re-introduce other's older-posts where I've commented. The aim is to clarify some of my garbled, knocked-out quick comments in more… try-to-be more understandable rewinds. Could only get a paragraph in on this article before putting on the hazards.
As for 'one' message? The backdrop of many, is what I'm scrabbling at here. The architects of inhumanity are self-revelators. And while arguments for other than 'religious aspirations' can be reasonably made, it's not difficult to suspect, it's a lot about the unseen and faith.
To wrap-up. The Parable of the Sower speaks of planting seeds. What brings a harvest and what not. The word sown are Bible-words today/in the main.
9/ll mythology is them doing the opposite of the Bible. Mirrored and their madness.
You might think I'm amping this to suit my Gospel preaching but I'm trying to remain 'with qualifications and questions' about what this bad-old world order lot wants/why – even if I'm a long-term-er and live cert. about Jesus-seen, God.
911- the Crime that Will End the Empire by James Robertson
(November 11, 2014 911, Corruption, Cover up, Crimes, false flag terrorism, justice, New World Order, Police state, USA, War crimes, War on terror., Zionism 911, al Qaeda, Apocalypse, False Flag Terror, USA)
November 11th, 2014.
September 11th 2001 the Crime that Will End the Empire
The truth about these events is neither comfortable nor palatable. However, until these atrocities are properly investigated, and the authors of the crimes sanctioned the West will remain a doomed and wounded civilisation being steered from one useless and futile war of choice to the next on the back of lies, manufactured threats and false flag terrorism. The Western world has no chance to live in freedom until these lies are completely exposed. It’s that simple. Freedom for Westerners and the 911 lie cannot possibly co-exist. That’s to say nothing of the incipient Police State that is still being erected on the back of the fear and loathing generated by these events right across the Western world.. Literally millions of human beings have faced sudden violent death in the Wars propagated on the back of these hideous and grotesque lies along with the thousands murdered in the event itself. I do not expect or hope that anyone would take my word regarding any of these events, I hope to provoke people to check the facts for themselves and discover the inescapable fact that the September 11th attacks were entirely conceived and conducted by Westerners. The version of events that has been promoted by the Western political leadership and media bears almost no resemblance to the facts. We are not talking about a “couple of anomalies” but instead completely blatant and obvious mega-lies.
The Path from Uncritical acceptance to Critical Scrutiny.
I watched these events as they happened late at night in Australia. It never occurred to me for a second that the perpetrators could be anything other than anti-Western terrorists,I had heard of Osama bin Laden and had seen video of the man making numerous blood curdling threats and declarations of War against the West, so when the group under bin Laden’s control was blamed, it made perfect sense to me.
After all I had never heard of Operation Gladio , had no idea that Western Intelligence agencies had been responsible for mass murder and terrorism in Europe since the late 1960’s and had been caught blowing up the Bologna Train station in August 1980, killing 85 people. I knew not of the Brabant Supermarket massacres in Belgium, civilians brutally murdered by CIA assets and agents to promote the perceived interests of NATO and the Belgian Security State.
The beauty of these mass trauma based mind control technique http://www.zengardner.com/911-occult-trauma-based-mind-control/ is that the credulous audience are completely unaware of what has been done to them. I viewed this event from the conventional point of view for a decade after it happened. I was targeted successfully along with billions of others and convinced that a completely insulting and ridiculous story was true because we were all fed the same story at the same time, while we were still upset at what had happened and therefore highly malleable and completely incapable to look upon these events from a rational and critical point of view.
Dissenting Voices Emerge.
When I begin to hear facts and opinions contrary to the Official account in early 2002 I dismissed them immediately. When a friend mentioned that Thierry Meyssan was stating that a large passenger aircraft had not struck the Pentagon I retorted,”So what happened to Flight 77? Where did it go?”
When a friend mentioned that a group of Israeli men had been arrested after filming themselves celebrating the attack I said “Sure it plays into their narrative but that doesn’t mean that they had anything to do with it.”
When I finally was persuaded to check the veracity of the Official story,just following the Tenth anniversary. In 2011, I was absolutely flabbergasted astonished and mentally shattered to discover that the Official story cannot possibly be true. For this realisation implied that my entire world-view up until that time had been based on false and incorrect assumptions..
Broken Illusion.
Until that time I was living inside the shared illusion of the well inculcated Westerner and it was a rude awakening. I spent around a month reading up on the attacks, I found the Complete Timeline of 911 project very helpful, and read the article “the Destruction of the World Trade Center” http://911review.com/articles/griffin/nyc1.html by Dr. David Ray Griffin made it simply impossible for me to cling to my cherished assumptions any longer.. I remember feeling an overwhelming gratitude towards David Ray Griffin and all the other people who had not been completely fooled as I had been.
At that time I completely lacked a broad conceptual understanding of what had happened, I simply knew that the Official explanation for the destruction of the New York buildings could not possibly true. If I had been asked I expect I would have suggested something along the lines of “They must have allowed the terrorist hijackings to happen and then augmented the attack with explosives inside the building.” Since that time I have discovered a number of facts that make it completely clear that there was no suicidal hijacking attack using passenger aircraft on September 11th. at all The entire attack was a manufactured work of fiction. The entire program was implemented by Westerners and the whole al Qaeda hijacking story is simply a blatant and outrageous lie and this can be proven very simply.