Go Back To Sleep
https://theburningbloggerofbedlam.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/westminster-parliament-attack-the-sequel-and-a-question-of-cctv/ (http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/08/westminster-false-flag-august-2018.html)
21 Wire -- hardcore and horrific. Not sure anything can sound more troubling than the current state of Gaza?
Oh wait, there's always... Yemen.
When bombing bagan it wasn't deemed a media deal. Search engines brought up near-on no reports. Crimes Of Empire was there and if remember right, one or two others. A small note in a national paper. Here and there and brief. Shocking, even then.
Now 230,000 airstrikes later, continuing reluctance from 'the press'. Sure, some sort-of outrage but the comment from @ShoebridgeC isn't a gripe-ing overstatement. The funerals made last night's TV News. A sacked/reinstated doctor and Netanyahu/Corbyn spat proceeded it.
This morning's BBC website? Nothing on the home page. Or on 'The World' page. Last report includes; The coalition initially said its actions were "legitimate", but later said it would probe "collateral damage".
There's a vid. on CNN of all places. Shows a happy and grateful, bubbling delight-filled school trip. (Cannot and will not watch because it's too much). Their excitement for days at the end of term trip was now in full swing. On the way back to the school the driver stops in a busy market to buy something to drink.
Lazer guided coordinates locked in by Saudi's 'strategic partner'. Ready for the Lockheed Martin weapons to inflict the most collateral damage. Patient in waiting for the knowing precision of a surrounding crowd. The killing of some many children designed to cause intended uprise. All part of the plan to show the population the takeover and destroy is coming.
Gaza and Yemen about to see a holocaust by the Western-backed forces. Cares about the world's response a consideration, reckoned by their overlords, as manageable. In Israel, it's how their own will take IDF ground-troop casualties. Could it ignite what protest exists? Go too far, too quick?
Let's re-say and: Holocausts unless -- and If, any number of us get loud and pushy enough. There's a sanity ensuring exercise in saying. At least and even as unread/as here. But it's sick to shut-up. Sickness inducing. Else: Give Up and any pretending, a world outside y'bubble.
As for Yemen, the quote from James from 'Crimes', sad as they come, goes;
Too distant, too poor and too depressing…it must be Yemen.
In the case of Yemen it sadly seems that almost no-one cares. Yemen is too poor, too remote, too depressing, too far removed from the West, part of a Geopolitical game that is largely beyond both the comprehension and outside the interest of the Western public.
On this, the inculcation and domestication -- the mind-numbing con -- are well underway. "Go back to sleep..." the hypnotic chant. Granted no-one in the highways and byways around here cares much/at all. Why should they/we?
Take that lead.
Taught not to. Fed with propaganda. "It's over there and ...so complicated". The instructions to surmise. Plus: Our political priests tell us in nice shiny studios by people "like us". Thinking is; "you bet they'd tell us if we should get that concerned". The MPs etc -- puppets for the monster class -- know to be silent. A whimper from one or two. Enough not to over-do the under the thumb.
An aside: Having to sit through cop dramas (headphones on and squirming). Why do 'we' go along and against the evidence that shows a hoax or false-flag event? Well, most do, because the TV cops are industrious and at it with clues and crime-busting. We get the 'real' news, presuming the same lot chasing bad ones are all goodies. Especially the Big stories. All this leads to -- We Trust In Thee. A simple trick of the mind.
Come the -- and one a-coming -- headline terrorist 'event', the projected deceptions will return. "Gotta be" the news-says. "We agree". No, investigate ourselves, with an open mind.
WE ARE: Dumb, dumb, dumb. And blind. Deaf. The word is 'zombie'. Zombified.
Same goes for dozens of children blown up, as many in hospitals cavorting in terror and pain. The blockades of medication, equipment and bombed buildings misery adding.
Say again; Can we imagine the scene? Should we? We're Press-led or/and otherwise, full-on into "don't give a..." Don't look. An existential manoeuvre in sedated oblivion. This and don't blame "us" Britain-itus
For what it's worth? Try and find articles about 'Yemen'? There's Mint Press and... Er...
Again, yes, of course, covered due to such a poignant atrocity but where are the commentators? Who and how many, rising up to scream and push the elected ones, to make some noise?
It's not Them-Saudi's 'doing it' but behind are this Govt's etc and here... and us. Ob-vious-ly. So any fuss and cries? No, and, why? Washington explains: Saudi Arabia is an important strategic partner...
Enough said. Says all. Say no more. This-partner 'will look into it', which equals, case closed. Might as well tell the reporter who dared question to "sod off and mind your own...". No re-write that, they 'are' saying; "sod off and..."
Someone pays the wages and someone rules the roost. Ones UK/US/Fr. etc. Govt./Cooperate fascistic combo's prepared to sing along. Named as Israel, China and Saudi -- do whatever.
No one cares much. Why should we? We're informed what matters. If it doesn't make the media-presentation, 99% presume, it doesn't. This the conclusion. Almost everyone saying, they "don't believe what the papers etc. say". Yet, most-everyone, dumbed up to the eye-balls.
Our better-humanity subdued by media and relative UK comfortable surroundings. We're sick. That's the size of. Sick.
Meditate on Yemen, Gaza, Syria... Face and live. Close eyes and die on.
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