Foolish or Fascist Trump?
...or on the ball?
I can't see how the fireworks remark itself, is anything but stupid or sinister, but; 'stop incomers before the check-in is... checking?' This is hardly Adolf-talk? (There I go, jumping to the default F).
How do you background-check migrants/refuges? A politician with a purpose to achieve this without digging a hole for themselves, would have stated, 'stop all coming until...'.
One by-product for Donald is the affirmation of the fake narrative; terrorism is all born and delivered by Muslims. Not so, when the risk on Western soil has thus far, been soundly demonstrated in almost all-previous, by details left out the News rounds, to have distinctly non-Islamic hands involved at HQ. Donald knows this, as do all so-party to the elite. Votes are paramount though, and depending on how genuine any intentions he claims are, he/someone reckons, best push the buttons that divide but plunder some more from wavering middle-grounders.
Webster Griffin Tarpley is in no doubt this man and all sympathisers are F. Not elements of, but pure Mussolini. (Moving down the line).
He's also lobbed in Libertarians, invented by those 'in the service of greedy landlords and other bloodsucking exploiters'. Webster came out, at least more assertively in 2012, taking on, then pally Alex and buff Adam Kokesh.
Webster's central is, 'the peculiarity of libertarianism is that, while it is formally distinct from fascism and Nazism, libertarianism, if practiced on a sufficient scale frequently destroys a society to such a point that Fascism and Nazism become much easier to impose.'
Or the Libs'might argue; the only risk worth taking, because attempting to raise up a new political party (in his case, Tax Wall Street Party and alliances) will never be allowed, or at least to the sufficient scale necessary to matter. The debate: Did Marx say co-opt anything close to Socialist mainstream verses start a new one, has Communism divided. My learned colleague at the time I discovered this, seemed set, Karl advocated the former. Of course this was yonks back and I suppose in the examples of Labour or Democrats and Unions even more-so inoculated, only leaves the proviso? (I still think some would say get in Labour etc locally and Unions to take-over). Is there any kind of realistic co-opt option? Or a new democrat - or republican - version?
I stand, fight and hope so, yet also for libertarian lands, or if it has to be anarchy - but a genuine future.
Let's listen to Webster - risk assess, rally-up and respect the opposition to the 'the' opposition as best as...