First of the Fourth
Tradition...I’m not sure about... Freed-up, twittering bird-like. Leave it on auto play and you get her weepin’ joy on the 5th (see the crazy clip of the 3rd)
Rattle pulling it dark deep, ‘Berlin Phil’ - boom, waltzing along. And Mitsuko Uchida abandoned within.
Top of the class.
Somewhere she talks about those first notes, chord, of the Fourth.
All quiet to begin. Seconds to consider. Hundreds peering and straining to hear. How will this capstone be placed, re-set and speak? Revealing. Fingers lay over, hold - and the move flows, leaning gently in. Press. Committed in isolation. Touch this much, this way. A critical pause. Here as comes, goes. Long to hear the sound remain. Motion slows.
Bum... bam-bam-bam-bam ba...