I decided to write a few lines on the top story, on the first National (?) Newspaper, I'd go to. Whatever it is. Turns out this; It was the most hotly-anticipated show of Paris Fashion Week... and the 'girls' didn't crack a smile and looked rather miserable as they flaunted the unseasonally colourful wares.
The clothes look all-right bit weird, but that has to be, I suppose.
In my ear is Mark Dice (with his new book) on Hollywood and the elite's religion. (On Alex Jones).
So what about fashion, pop, movie stars and all. Where's the 'truthscoop'?
One of my angles for investigation, is how the symbolic, activates or engages with, the unseen?
So keeping with the random-picked story. Are the mizzy-looking faces, a purely a creative choice? Of course. Why not? But to have to ask this question isn't panic-riddled paranoia. If… The media's a conduit for the elite, smugly pumping out their hidden-ish messages: To their 'above' ideology and each other. Go bold sometimes, suspecting this could almost distract us from the undercurrent flowing with intentional, or having been manipulated, prolific activity. Purpose? To experiment on us psychologically and continue to embark on global rituals, they believe appease and power, their 'over-lords'. To receive their 'power/s'. Or for the up and coming and the thrill of it all? I-care-not/we all die nihilism? Maybe only about the cold-cash? Always, don't believe and some/hate – any possibly, living/loving, God? Unless in one craze of a struggle. Reasons in/live-with, must be many.
Reasons to get-out or speak-out? Not so...
In the article is the most publicly admitted awake and successful of pop-stars (Matt Bellamy). Who more recently has I think, quietened-down on it. (Hats-off though, he managed what he did). And Kanye West: Unable to hide his probing and searching-look. That he so mismanages himself, I almost take hope. He goes off… what might well not be, central HQ contrived. Would that he'd become so sick in his indulgences he breaks-down. Pray 'Jesus walks' right in, on him.
I believe their-like, all know, all-about elite goings-on. They're probably under significant misunderstandings. But they know. First-hand. Someone talks. Get confessions offered. It's what people do with them. They ask, people squawk.
And all will be, who will, recruited, if can…
Babbling me. But committed to write something of an eve. Not sure a soul reads but tap on – God willing – coz must.
The need for us all to, as far as… as many can. To the tipping… volcano of the mercy, we all need.
To the real illumination. The good, just and right-one.