Eric Zuesse Explains Who Is America’s Worst Enemy
soon come comment blessing loverly:
Not visiting dear and frustrating Jonestown, or anywhere much. Though seeing the capable and convincing Joel Skousen being interviewed Tuesday 12/19/17. Would you like to hear their differences. One assessment. Alex offering the Saudi's as enemy nos1 to have Joel name America. Knocked back, didn't want to hear that or "amen" America did 9/11. Government. No need to qualify with 'elements'.
C/o Paul Craig Roberts titled; Eric Zuesse Explains Who Is America’s Worst Enemy, is a lesson. Usual Paul Craig. Always crystal clear.
Logic leads to "what else to say?"
Disconnect with voters/pre-select no-choice... demo-crats. Vote for no-change/was Trump/is Trump?
This article floors. A paragraph:
In a dictatorship, only the people who control the government are satisfied with the government; but, in a democracy, the public are satisfied with the government — or else that government will be replaced in elections by people who control the government and who do provide government that the public approve of. In the United States, we’re instead moving in the exact opposite direction: steadily going from one government to another, none of which wins the public’s approval; and the present American government winning the public’s approval even less than its predecessors did. This is not the situation that exists in authentic democracies. It’s what one expects to find in a country that’s ruled by a dictatorship. Dictators don’t need to worry so much about polls, because they don’t represent the public; they exploit the public — they use the public.
-- aim to conclude this post, later today / Update: 30/12, to remain unfinished--
And re-listened didn't hear JS say as reported yet he did somewhere.
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