SUNDAY SCHOOL, Do We Love Freedom Enough?
SET-UP The post with images, music and quotes, excerpts and comments. Throughout the day, aim to add 'my thoughts'. Wrap up? Indicated by the next post. Subs., get notification about a new/daily post, going up. Thanks... and appreciate the attention and interest. Next week; planning on re-launching Truthscoop with dogma and disciplines to make it easier to get done.
Outstanding Actions?
For a build towards, Sunday 8/2.
Remain on Thoreau's word, and question:
Not, what, are we looking at and consideration. Rather, how...?
Expansive and challenging, Owen Benjamin?
On how he understands a rock band like The Who. Gets down 'n gritty on Pete Townsend.
Got issues and the lack of interest in getting deeper than appears to be. While, Owen's trouble with Trad./ Christian, beliefs, should apply the Put-Up or Shut Up Principle.
Same went and sought to shift Alex Jones when, again on a barge (boat), trip.
Can't say I got too far. On a similar vein; Fit timeless/no changes, in a set future, with the understandable stumbling-blocks that correspond with accepting, God is good?
Not saying it's without its arguments. The quibble is about the genuine desire to be open.
Find non-Christians get the ruse a whole-lot easier.
Tony Gosling and I got re-acquainted, the day-after Alex on the same barge.
Tony is a tremendous man, and with more time, we managed certain, contentious ground. With openness and mutual respect.
A two minute chat with Tony (Gosling), a year or two before Bilderberg had left me disappointed. The UK Public Truther, known as a Christian, and we differed.
ON: God 'n all -with- responsibility, and hope?
How goes?
Possibilities, existing and are real, in three mins 45 secs?
Alternative Theology.
In 2013, Tony's radio side-kick, was Martin Summers, in the in-crowd, at least the weekend. Almost all the Alt. Media broadcasters, did the trip.
Martin's a Socialist, and without prejudice, (although, not his concern or argument), managed to help me. He understood. Seemed to got me/it.
Closing on a pozzie Leftie, note.
Isaac Kappy, (February 17, 1977 – May 13, 2019), and Jordan Peterson.
MJ The Ambitious,
... endeavour, to see to the TEN, scientific, stands. Rupert Sheldrake, withering the final life, out the claims. In seething clarity, with convincing knowledge, wisdom, and nous.
How might Issac, Owen, and Jordan, respond?
Seven Days..., T'scoop be comin' at ya.
Thanks and Respect..
For Chantelle
A register of three, all named and, ...not, shamed... by all the shamed.
Their new hater's, once friends, even. Now the silent majority, in Hitsville UK are dumbo and numbties. Waddle-about, behind the rest of the puppets, and presstitutes.
Starkers, 2020s emperor's, deal with the rabble, bemoaning the "tyrannical takeover." The honorable, in standing. Compassion and caring.:
Ian Brown, Eric Clapton, Van Morrison.
Hard Core, The Peoples' people.
Music, movies, comics and journalists are paid to play. Without, losing perspective, the three who've come out (from among them), make for the least of surprises. Hard-pushed to consider, who else, and hoped, and/or, expected to stand-up and be counted? Equals:
Counted, out, and forthcoming features, interviews on TV, articles and reviews in the press; Budgets and support; Hollywood to Soho, London; The 'Beeb' to 'Sky'.
[Mark Lamarr, could be, an example.
Nothing coming up on the internet to suggest why the absence without explanation? Might be personal, and unrelated?
Or, gonna be, the same ol', same-old?]
Issac Kappy, and Owen Benjamin? Two Celebs., got in early, Scooped about, came from show biz. Similar to the gang of three, in all mod. culture. Out from, among, and in with the common one's:
Van, Ian, and Eric, and...? Ricky (Gervais), Laurence (Fox), and...?
Suspect, not a decision they made in recent times. More-like waiting on the call, they knew over years, would come?
Be... The Balls Of Britain, and kiss ta-ra to fortune... and, now, fame before assertive obscurity? Bit like the worn-out and shagged-out arguments:
Pop music? What about contemporary politics, do we recognise cross-over and influence?
Not, shouting that, from the roof-tops anymore?
Central Consp. and, Theory, Casting, 2019. The C.-word. Number 19. Standard, False-Flaggery in the obligatory, freaky, phony, extravaganza.
If the following images, puzzle or disturbs ? Ought-er shake-out the slumber?
Sums and cost?
The loss of fame, and not being known as; A Truther.
All about, eliminating the risk -and- loss of money, sex and/or, power?
Pictures? Oh yeah?
False-Flaggery in the obligatory, freaky, phony, extravaganza.
Gagging to happen is a deception, to top a not-found virus.
Needs to be sky-high, and spectacular?
Signs are, green lit. Concede, am agnostic, m'self, about 'aliens'.
The Service Write and Read.
Ay up, Soldiers, (WARM)ED UP?
Coupla three hours, NOT, to get side-tracked, and lost in music. Write whatever, to whomsoever... posted, as it comes. + 22.36, above the fold and top of the page for it.
The Five Beat Mambo, is the one for me. A can't-fail connection and the one US TV show in any Top 20 TV. The full and fat..., twenty-five minutes, The Honeymooners' doin' the Mambo.
Dance Class
A Letter to CA Superintendents
Today, Children’s Health Defense – California Chapter sent a letter to 1,100 California Superintendents to let them know that Emergency Use Authorization products, like the RT-PCR test and COVID vaccines, cannot be mandated, as they are investigational and experimental. They must be voluntary. Further, according to both the CDC and WHO, if RT-PCR testing is offered voluntarily, it must only be offered to those with symptoms through their own doctor. This letter also contains science showing that children are not asymptomatic carriers of COVID, and that COVID vaccines have not been proven to prevent person-to-person transmission. Please share this letter, either using the article’s link or the PDF (CDE Superintendent Letter from Childrens Health Defense – California Chapter,) with your own school district to educate them on medical ethics, the science, and the law.
Paul Craig Roberts
If you belonged to the wrong group, you became an “enemy of the people,” “enemy of the laborers,” “enemy of the proletariat,” or as previously mentioned, a “class enemy.” Those included within this wide umbrella included former Mensheviks (those who had fought against the Bolsheviks in the Revolution), clerics, entrepreneurs, capitalists, bourgeoise (essentially a member of the middle class, usually city-dwellers), kulaks (affluent peasants, and later identified in the USSR with those who refused to send their grain to Moscow), etc.
Similarly, if you belonged to the right group, you were deemed automatically righteous. You were part of “the proletariat,” a “laborer” for “the people,” a “comrade.” In short, your individual moral qualities no longer mattered—your group identity alone made you “good.”
Solzhenitsyn's Chilling Warning to College Students Tempted by Socialism, Joshua Charles
Most thoughtful believers avoid saying God is entirely different (absolute transcendence) from creation, but some have embraced this view. Most also avoid saying God is entirely similar (absolute immanence) to creation. The absolute transcendence view leads to absolute apophatism, which I think is absolutely unbelievable. But absolute immanence leads to absolute anthropomorphism, which I think is absolutely idolatrous. The majority of theists place their views of God somewhere on the spectrum between absolute transcendence and absolute immanence.
Many who adopt the label “panentheism” work to carve a plausible middle way between the extremes. A common concern among self-identifying panentheists is that traditional or classical theologies err by describing God as too transcendent, especially underemphasizing divine omnipresence. Panentheism, however, is conceived in widely diverse ways. Scholars use the label to portray their understanding of how all things are “in” God. Unfortunately, the “en” in panentheism is easily thought to be in contrast to “out,” which leads to the spatial and proximity problems I noted earlier. In my attempt to bypass this common spatial problem panentheism carries with it, I coined the word “theocosmocentrism” to emphasize that both God and the created order must be central in our attempts to understand reality.
The Transcendence of Divine Love and Immanence of Divine Power by Thomas Jay Oord
What can be done? And What, IS..., going on?
All cute and innocent. Bare tiger. In all the heels and hollering. A statesman for humanity. Could anyone follow Prince? Musically he set the heights. Now dead, he leaves a legacy that his music-lovers may well have urge to consider. "He said what? Why?"
/The Man Who Told The World, April 24, 2016
/Sounds, August 21, 2016
/Prince Said, August 23, 2016
/The Vigilant Citizen, August 25, 2016
/Prince, August 11, 2017
Bonus Ball
An 'opposition'. For Left -or- Right, and Islamic violence arguments. Capitalism vs. Socialism. Nazis or Commies.
Never discuss, or allow the slightest divergence and what happened when said-radicals hit?
Keeping quiet in what's considered a tactical lie about you-know-what. Nothing about the crime scene.
Larry King's Cause of Death Released & His Widow Clarifies It Wasn't Coronavirus.
Larry King passed away over the weekend at the age of 87, and now, his widow Shawn has revealed that he did not die from COVID-19.
“It was sepsis,” she told Today.
There's a shadow just behind me Shrouding every step I take Making every promise empty Pointing every finger at me Waiting like the stalking butler Whom upon the finger rests Murder now the path of "must we" Just because the Son has come Jesus, won't you fucking whistle Something but the past is done? Jesus, won't you fucking whistle Something but the past is done? Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start this over Why can't we drink forever? I just want to start this over I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave I will work to elevate you Just enough to bring you down Mother Mary, won't you whisper Something but the past is done? Mother Mary, won't you whisper Something but the past is done? Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start this over Why can't we sleep forever? I just want to start this over I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave Trust me Trust me Trust me Trust me Trust me Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start things over Why can't we sleep forever? I just want to start this over I want what I want I want what I want I want what I want I want what I want
The ‘Great Reset’ is, I suspect, merely spin to make it sound as though governments are in control. More likely what we’re seeing is the start of a disorderly ‘Great American collapse’ with vassal leaders abroad like Boris Johnson naturally panicking – much as the dictators of the former Eastern Bloc did when the USSR started to crumble. The panic over ‘the virus’ and the never-ending lockdowns are a symptom of governments losing control and their own self-absorbed panic, not a sign of strength that we need to be cowed by.
We the people should take confidence in this. We should not fall for the ‘fear itself’ and xenophobia that desperate stooges like Boris Johnson and his client media are trying to infect the country with.
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn