Despite All The Complications
Think should write. Waiting for something. Noutcome get me wanna spit. Await the next attack? Or what? Wait for -- what? Suppose with hope, for a pushing too far. Terror-vision theatre rolls back. Gloves behind the puppets shaken. How theoretical-possible, based on current levels of insight, or care?
Am over imaginary friends/readers. Tap to process. Stay limber and truth-telling. Got m'struggle-pray. This m'contribution. Down to viewing all but six sites, almost managing to. Becoming stricter by the day and stay/on/off . Videos are next pull-away. Not on, so much. Here, boredom, keeps me off.
Hearing a credible presenter mention past-bombing with confidence, i.e. victims for real. Looking again, at those few straggling with persistence, for hoax-looking clues. Ones who propose, most likely, drill top-to-bottom.
Ones asking-for-evidence? This all. As time passes, come reminders of, the... "tragedy". Not reassuring, these irritant broadcasters, been misled.
All we get to challenge is 'hear-say'. Need a survivor able to proper upfront attest. What's most disturbing is; a) physical victims -OR- b) lying among those who I'd never believe would?
Comes down to this.
Not looking for why false but what might show is indisputably real. All we got is testimony of "someone and close". This, the most disturbing. Of course... 'could have been' -- all causalities and wounds?
Just like to know-know. Easily convinced. Hallmarks of authenticity, not difficult to establish.
Yet with all this, few even-alternative-ones, dare consider signs of an utter scam? This disconnect, mystifying. All and a dwindle in numbers and handful of dilapidated YT channels on it. Nos 123, due to ban nos, 123.
Reason interested? Hoax or false-flags? Because they're a driver. Here's two whoppers; Islam/immigration and internet restrictions/censorship. All and both, much about 'terrorism' in our midst. Aka debatable. Not run by the feds? (Is that debatable?)
The only other weapon, come cover-up, is child sex abuse. This the other shut-down TS-types (me etc.) and blame -- a genuine issue -- sex maniacs.
Tonight at Six, BBC News. Leads on vulnerable teens getting groomed on their 'apps' and laptops etc. Followed by 2017 UK terror attacks. What went wrong and how our 'protectors' might have failed us? Headline reports. Beating hyper going-nowhere Brexit. On another big -- yawn yawn -- day at that.
'Hoax' in Google -- what do we get?
Find this By the time James Tracy was fired from his job as a professor in January 2016, Florida Atlantic University officials said they had made it clear they were not stifling his free speech about Sandy Hook conspiracy theories.
Sum-up story and times we live. James off-line to sort personal stuff out. Or, for whatever other reason? Man was top of the truth-pops when public. No qualms. Decent innings. One rare trooper.
The numbers doing what he did/does, try not to let crimes grow 'n grow, on the decline. Equals, and if; We become prisoners/crim's take over. Until and unless some-more ones come forth -- even assume as-as -- we're in the mainstream dark.
Can I get a witness?
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