December Playlist
Little Simz, Stefflon Don… 'non and on. My Playlist is what plays, sorry gals. Nothing else till 1/1/2020. Except for 'worship ones'. Do Bethel – might do Upper Room, about it.
[Nb Should read; 'ft. Chris Brown' on Freaky Friday.]
Will take off-fast days and when researching around something but should be... measured.
Last night fell asleep on 'Harlem Spartans – Kennington Where It Started'. So pants... and plonker me. Took down a half-written beginning... will re-up on this, when completed. Next TS on Money and Violence.
Reposted below is a question I asked:
Two photos. 1981 Prince supporting the Stones in LA, and Reading Festival, 1976.
Question: What's the connection? (How about the contrasting line-up and Friday 5-9 pm?)
The crowning of Daddy U Roy.
Amazura, New York, November 29th 2019.
I say it goes "U Roy" and from... Jazz. With Kenneth Patchen, about first up. Poets over live jazz.
Me and first song since last write/time.
Doing: Miracles // Jeremy Riddle & Steffany Gretzinger // Bethel Music (2016)
Natty Rebel U ROY (1976)
Wailing out in tongues and yappin'
(As Bill quotes the man and two chairs "I'm going to worship and you're gonna watch me" on Miracles // Jeremy Riddle')
Nothing Else
Controversy Prince 1981
Controversy Top Twenty. With a few lines of commentary. Monthly Playlist.
Loop/headphones/loud: Nothing Else (Acoustic) - Edward Rivera | Moment. Top of all my charts 2019.
Pressing 'Publish' keeping it live and direct.
Talking words over music can be a competitive art form. Mentioned, see it going; U Roy from Kenneth Patchen. It and Rap, that is.
2019 is 'something different' as a Country Don/s tells a police officer who asks about the name. A hip-hop track, that is itself, why.
First Kenneth:
Did red up a Patchen poem. As 'Nothing Else' wails gentle and fierce. A reassuring 'loop'. Software: Gimp and Free Software as in GNU as in Gnu's Not Unix.1
CONTROVERSY (7:14) Written by Prince who plays all the instruments, the singer and producer. Lisa Coleman provides backing vocals, and it's possible Morris Day played drums and not credited? Released in October 1981.
Prince went on in 2009 to mention his concerns about Geoengineering during an interview. Remains controversial, being such a rare utterance on TV.
23:21: Boggin' off for the night. Wifi up and down is too frustrating and time-consuming. Need to resolve but intrigued it seems to happen when trying to do an elusive first proper post in yonks.
Can't face starting a new post with so little up here. Plod on in the morning. Soon-be-coming quick and fast. Once the wheels roll.
GNU, which stands for Gnu's Not Unix, is the name for the complete Unix-compatible software system which I am writing so that I can give it away free to everyone who can use it ... The wording here was careless. The intention was that nobody would have to pay for permission to use the GNU system. But the words don't make this clear, and people often interpret them as saying that copies of GNU should always be distributed at little or no charge. That was never the intent; later on, the manifesto mentions the possibility of companies providing the service of distribution for a profit. Subsequently I have learned to distinguish carefully between “free” in the sense of freedom and “free” in the sense of price. Free software is software that users have the freedom to distribute and change. Some users may obtain copies at no charge, while others pay to obtain copies—and if the funds help support improving the software, so much the better. The important thing is that everyone who has a copy has the freedom to cooperate with others in using it. (Richard Stallman, The GNU Manifesto.) ↩