Dare Question
http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/08/dalbeattie-parade-2018.html (Went; 'Hymns To The Silence')
Should re-watch critics interview Ken Livingstone over his 'Nazi comment'. The "come on..." smug up and ooze superiority. Intense and certain in maintaining know-better.
How about liars and actors -or- assume-ers and duped? All paid to play for the tyrannical order.
Should I gloat or groan? Mock or grieve? Mr Earnest here and so later ones the way.
Sadness over the ruler's minions pushing until all but selected talk allowed. Reminded by Ron Unz who puts meat on bones Ken was just-about allowed to squeak out. American Pravda: Jews and Nazis. Clear to rely on education. Free of spluttering and cliched digs. Calm does colossal. Back to; Well written.
Find one Ken clip and... gasp at the brazen, double-think, interviewing. Better try and find the best line against 'Hitler collaborated with Zionists'?
MP John Mann on the "hugely, offensive, grotesques, remarks". And Galloway.
What's against and reasonable to make this historical 'claim'?
Mention Hitler outside imposed and recognised boundaries upset Jewish people. It's not about right vs. wrong but 'lest we forget. The need to remind and display the caring credentials for others to see. MPs and media direct line of influence to their bosses are always looking to shine. Requires the flag waved for Zion.
"They've suffered enough" while vulnerable to stirring up more hate toward. Which is under the microscope, and we're told: "on the rise". A context in trying to "appease fascism" in highlighting said-plans and agreements. All the while missing the Holocaust which "says it all".
The perceived danger we're going down the road of the Sieg Heil. Encourage the Fascist.
This all on the suppose that Ken would have the influence. When the uproar on the anti-Semite hunt is likely strengthening what for-real exists. Those who hold the 'Jews are the issue' theory can explain this as some and elite-wise -or- all? By grouping these two positions in establishment-led opposition, it conflates and confuses. Pushes the more moderates, to want to or may as well, stand with the consider-extreme.
Let alone misunderstand-Hitler thinkers.
Usually, it's about protection for Israel but here about the race of..., we're ever reminded.
Although and of course, more a religion actually, and/or culture and identity.
The no deviation from H. and co.= Satan and WW2 is the must-drop line. To repeat and re-affirm in the public square. To assume makes easy sense but they have to assert, affirm and declare. It underlines and is in some ways massive, insecure, weakness. To have to... say... what no one listening much-doubts or would think twice about.
Following this comes that Jews were like a 'lamb to the slaughter'. The world's greatest tragedy. Not; A -- but The. Again, any compromise deemed extreme prejudice. Gaining a swift establishment rebuke whosoever dare questions.
And this what: We are not permitted to ask about all sorts. This is the year that will start the communication cut-off. The Summer of Censorship.
Not about what's held and concluded, or speculated. It's about the question implying an alternative and the very act -- now, social harassment. The big Holocaust no-go or Sandy Hook, Parkland... today's famous thought-crimes.
All about asking/if. Sure, some have made mind up and reckon there's a scam going on but it's the open call to investigate some more is the nub.
Compared to 'answers' -- questions are the thing. Freedoms we have are predicated on this. Not sure the masses realise what it was like and is, for many people and places, to live under and in enforced silence. The oxygen to breath is invisible. Questions we are allowed to ask... give us so much but not noticeable until we're unable. The prisons start filling with thinkers and talkers. Employment lost or barred from. No Internet orders. Watched by the Fed. Not allowed to leave and travel overseas. Put on the list. A trouble-maker.
2018's fast-limiting digital platforms in the name of our common security.
There's so much could rap on. To say this is the nos 1. subject for our UK and US etc. day in intellectual terms is irrefutable.
One abiding thought is it's wrapped up in widespread mental ill-health. Where resentment and revenge drive the hostility. Never going to be 'wrong about' assumed headline stories, grips the 10% who say care so much.
And the Laws follow the fuss. Whipping up via the TV etc. they talk to one another. Talk us 'all' into the lock-down.
Psychology, not politics, dominate the chattering-News crowd. Granted, to not ask the questions and evade can be about reputation. The job depends on it. Otherwise though -- it's sheer venom over the pressure to be humble. To wake and admit. To have to say Alex Jones and associated were more or less right. To hate the ignominy of the shame. To align with the blind and sheep and dare not...