Crimes Up
Making mistakes -- assuming some bizarre optics aren't deceiving us -- or, purposeful and looking like a blunder, what'll it be? The photo of the crouching cops and nonchalant bystanders is itself a puzzle. While the hotel behind appear to show windows unbroken.
There's two sets of alt. enquirers bashing the digital waves. Those on the conservative side, who want the how/s to fit, a suitable easy-blame and why. All behind; This a false-flag and undoubtedly mass causalities. Radicalized patsy, come, deep in bed with corrupt secret state. Gone rogue or murdered and framed? All about gun-grab.
Others; No certainty about how many/ if causalities, which by necessity leaves open the how and why. Certainly my take and healthy uncertainty about Paddock there/is dead/did what?
The dead man in the picture is somewhat convincing but leaked by who and why? The lack of photos generally, the most compelling qualm. What is 'that' all about? Where oh where?
Must utterly confirm the need for authorities to cover-up for their own assumed narrative. OR -- they're without fictitious prepared evidence.
All about conspicuously constructed anomalies in my book. These windows are one on a list. One of the top ones. Assuming so, maybe disappointed, James is crying in a bit of a wilderness.
Back to theories about the intentionally, with a degree of haphazard uncertainty, self-revealing the cover-up to almost break-open point.
These windows are a perfect example. One or two other shots would amplify this. Of course, why would we expect thousands to take shots at a shooter from a distant hotel?
Put these on line -- nah 'course not.
James/Crimes of Empire, keeping it simple as. A presentation for overall sceptics. This why, TS fellow bloggers' blogs, are my first-go recommendation to strangers or who-have you. There's precious little out there reading-wise. Especially less, personal-politically, biased.
May the pushers, push too far. If/when the crimes up and out to all, James' Crimes of Empire, will become a top historical documentary.
Massacre In Las Vegas:100% Proof Stephen Paddock is being framed by James Robertson
By now everyone on the planet who has access to the internet or television is familiar with the blood chilling story of the massacre in Las Vegas on October 5th, 2017.
We are told that Stephen Paddock, 64 years of age, meticulously planned the attack, moving dozens of weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition into his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel and opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest Festival in the “Las Vegas Village” located at the foot of the 43 storey complex, having first used a hammer to smash two holes in the windows of the hotel in order to be able to shoot the people below.
2017 Las Vegas Strip shooting – Wikipedia
At this point there is simply no way that story is even approximately true as photographs taken when the massacre was underway clearly show that the windows in the room Stephen Paddock was supposedly committing this mass murder operation in can be seen to be complete and intact long after the event has supposedly started.