Cover To Cover
SYRIA: The Egregious Western Media ‘Chemical Weapon’ Fraud in Eastern Ghouta
Western powers said... What a claim. Three words to dominate and clobber. Via the t.v. or related output. Note the tone and generic sum up. How we've moved from Governments -to- Powers. All for one, and new world order all. Unless... we wake the trance up?
Went -- early hours -- to the BBC to check if... and yes, the cover to cover has happened. The article read, a slippery duck and diver. Language careful in its deceit with a tawdry sheen of sincerity. Now, some hours later and pretence is off. 'Alleged' moves from the headline and any fake-looking scepticism. Now time for detail-light, jump straight to blame, all roads lead to Putin.
It [The US] said Russia - with its "unwavering support" for Syria's government - "ultimately bears responsibility" for the alleged attacks.
The warm-up, recent -- claimed-thwarted -- attempts to undertake a chemical attack production. Any day, the missionaries of hate, had to succeed. Sunday is an ideal day to spew the slimy crap all over the lemming's living rooms, ready for Monday's 'response'. Picked for the purpose. All about viewer impact.
First an update on a note in a plant a seed post. Paul Craig Roberts asked readers if they can identify Parkland obituaries. His update speaks to this. The latest so ridiculous.
Stories dividing; outsiders and the outraged, from those percolating in idiocy. A vast majority of educated-UK who kneel to swallow 'Western powers' ejaculation. The nasty, racist and -- let's bring out/use with intent -- fascistic, mind-controlling pandemic. Upon those, who don't think 'life is but a joke' but do 'swear falsely now'. Do-not, want-to, admit, have been-suckered to believe easy to establish conspiracy theories.
Here's Paul. When governments and the media are disrespectful of the truth, they destroy their credibility among the people.
Not yet though. Cred. is high. Hate-Russia is stronger than respect for truth. Would take going on a search engine and looking. No one much does. There's those who do and know, and the rest... well, this stretches the care-not to know-what, through to; "don't try to get smart-ass with me".
So what to rap here? Couldn't face writing sooner in awaiting the... this -- false-flag. Birds of a feather. Signs are set once enough news needs a bolder deflection. A booster in the nonsense required. Bring out the poor beleaguered Syrians and call for some humanitarian punch.
"Bomb Assad, assassinate Putin, ra-ra, ra-ra..." Send in the fighters and let us all feel-good we're 'doing something'. Always got to 'do something'.
Reagan and any/all things wrong, had it R-right and to the hilt with; The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help...
Poisonings, pushy-antisemitism, and Gaza needed archiving. And a jolt to more-war and forget about. And... there's a list of motives and why lie-big. Written about as many and can.
So where to get m'typing rocks off in this post?
Hubris, arrogance post-smitten, the revenge against the sounder voices calling out the scam. This alone would drive the pro-politicos. Actually, reckon it's done to them by a cabal within the 'security' agencies, leading from the UK, US and Is. On behalf of families behind banks. The cult driven by those whose 'time is short'. Those lost, but need-ejecting, ones. Until and if we...
Yet, the how to manage the managers, from behind a curtain. Nation's puppet/leaders could exclaim, "what else can we do but..." Go along now with, "all we have". The course is set -- "for us".
Listening to Sane Progressive do her 'join me in researching...' and talking about Homeland security. Explains: One US security department. With all that care and concern eh. A Quarter of a Million employees with Forty Billion to spend. This Alone, is All we need to know. A stat that says it. When adding this across the spook destructive spectrum? The answer stares at us.
Do think a lot is about their corrupting inner-juice is gagging for vengeance on critics. Talking the most famous faces of parliament and media pundits.
More Paul; I continue to wonder why the stories are presented in ways that seem intentionally to raise suspicions and why loose ends are left loose and conflicting testimony left unresolved. I wonder if we are being trained to be unable to discern fact from fantasy.
Sure this. A clever slight of hand befuddle. Enough counter-intuitive moves from the perpetrators.
What do we know about the attack?
Several medical, monitoring and activist groups reported details of a chemical attack, but figures vary and what happened is still becoming clear.
More sentences from the mists and madness. Does it even say any-Thing? Here's where we're at/leave it here. The BBC:
Chemical attack kills 70 in Syria enclave
The government alleges a "fabrication" despite graphic images of bodies in rebel-held Douma.
18 minutes ago
Middle East
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The need is not to post commentary, it's to look again at what's said/shown etc. and scream "LAIRS" "DECEIVERS" "DEVILS". Their self-presentation is enough. Self-sabotage. Knowing those looking, will in the main... look away.
When the outcry? Usual ones, echo chamber will but doors-shut in the minds of the many. With the internet one creaking as it closes.
Nb. quoted Sane Progressive 'Morning Talk' and; Department of Homeland Security Moves to Monitor and Create Database on all MEDIA. Streamed yesterday -- is no longer 'available'.
No longer, is how much longer and this blog and all?
2018 is the year of info-shut-down, bar miraculous intervention.
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