Certain Circumstances
First principles are under threat. Trampled on by a small but loud set of media pros. Gerald Celente dubbing them 'presstitutes'. Nihilistic... so sell-out, swelling about, in an intoxicating haze.
Appreciate nihilism's potential grip but the damage is catastrophic in certain circumstances. Equal to a paedophile in charge of a nursery, a thief in charge of accounts, the sick running the asylum.
Nothing like money, sex and power to soften life's blows. All courtesy of the press and broadcasting moguls. The owners' desire. They want disruption. Part bore as many can off social responsibility. Have some feel betrayed and identifying as said-oppressive ones. The rest dumber than a box of frogs and deep into lies damned lies.
All intended though. Want this fragile hanging on world, done-in. As Kubrick mused, the top dogs like to know their deaths aren't proceeded by better times. The perverse end of life satisfaction that when 'they' go -- so will we all. Collective social suicide. Haters last hope.
Two, first principles, keeping something like a civil environment. Lovers of life for all -- last hope. Without which, we're done for:
Freedom of speech -and- innocent until proven guilty.
Both are collapsing. Summer 2018 is when. Precipitated by a blackmailed, through to bought-to-lie, media and political set.
Freedom to... is all about Jew-talk. E.g. strident political Zionists who claim to represent masses of others -- but don't. Most Jewish people don't share the screaming down but the illusion holds. Few and enough going on public forums and say-do will do.
As for the rule of law? Reaching a crescendo in two stories; The Skripals and Syria.
The following is the same crap coming from The House of Commons. Same blind and battering nonsense from the despicable broadsheets.
A cleaner was forced to spend the next day clearing up the mess left by the assassins in London and the room has since been redecorated, with its walls painted brown. So goes The Sun.
In fact testimony from (claimed) guest that:
Words were spoken — they had a row with staff. When I returned, staff apologised, saying it won’t happen again. The cleaner apologised to me when I came back as she was still cleaning their room. She’d been in there all day cleaning the room. She said there’d been trouble.
For starters, cannabis and prozzies (if true) and an east end cheap hotel is standard activity. Oh... Shocker?
"ALL DAY..." cleaning. And decorating. Because...
Are we on hallucinogenics here? No, more like coke'd-up spooks, feeding the presstitutes their demand copy/print.
Back to principles.
'The assassins'. See how the rule of law is no more. No 'alleged', with MP's on the same fascistic tip. On... "if we say it loud and forceful enough, that'll do".
Overturn our agreed protection. Our Magna. Our United-ish Kingdom, under one law. Not 'anarchy' (no Govt.) -- unless this the aim?
Once the breach has happened the water surges through and it's very hard to rebuild. There's little historical precedent this happens. War, invasion, take-over, bloodbath etc. The cause for such a change. Our media twats are begging for collapse and the gulags.
To repeat: Increase the numbers drugged off and/or given up all care and hope. Criminalise the opposition and sucker-along the idiots -- generally the young and impressionable.
These two principles and joined at the hip. 'Syria' is about to get bombed because it's going to commit a crime. One without motive and the false-flag upfront documented. Twit Trump and Johnson will rare-up and lose what's left of sensible support. No matter. It leaves enough drunk-on neo-conners (aka Trotskyites) to swoon along.
Are we serious? Going to watch the shrill of the sick and stupid destroy western living (in the main).
Final note: What's double-sad is when it shapes and aped in the alt. media. Want to know THE sign this the case?
Supposed getting radical on the news websites moderating off comments for no right-reason. Not abusive or hate-crime-ing. But difference...
Unnamed but three out a bunch over years commented on. Oh too sensitive to handle the heat. Ding-bats. Not about 'me' but about what this says. Have the spooks cheering and claiming bonuses.
All that is happening is promoting apathy and shoot ya' wounded. Sure, address and crit. But -- Ban Diversity?
The community killer. All for one and... Or, all sink.
Autumn 2018. The last surge to speak up and out, or this site etc. on the way to deletion by the hate police. The criminalisation of thought-crimes and the lockdown, or enough a shout?
Free speech and innocence until...
Will, they stand, or full-time fall?