Called The Web
"The all persuasive threat of terror-vision eh. Caused by liberal-like freedoms of internet speech. Radicalised and jealous, hateful ones". All a bit too popularly Islam. Need to nobble those claiming the need for ethnic based nationalism.
Up the spooks. Soon to overtake all other employees in budget and numbers. What's UK's current on-books cost of surveillance? About 20 bill. And related?
Called-security will become, what social care, became. Every-other employed one. Actually a ready-made work force. Workers for the vulnerable and disadvantaged. Now 'officers' protecting us all from them/us all...
Social-enforcement has been taking over 'care' for ages, now ready to codify and uniform up.
The need they reckon is for a centralised infrastructure, sustainable under a breakdown. Bunkers and AI. Compliance or a cage for those 'overground'.
And what happens when the lights go -- EMP -- out? Convinced this all/for that. Measures. And the psychological shock by those... shocked could be -- will be, devastating.
Near-on daily persistent calls to censor. MP's say "internet companies not doing enough". All that's needed to pull the plug is the 'big-one'. Spectacular-false-flag.
Reckon they need a whitey to retaliate for a supposed Islamic one. One, two, knockout punch. Or visa-versa.
Bye-bye Truthscoop and any electronic-based communication deemed 'dangerous'. Inc. private natter.
In the name of extreme. Mass arrests. Make-shift prison/small towns, with tags. Tech-based inability to escape.
Good and proper stuffed. Unless...
Normies in droves watch James Corbett's presentation and somehow shake out the slumber?
When WWII ended and the American deep state welded the national security establishment into place with the National Security Act, the world entered into a new era: the era of the military-industrial complex. But when the Cold War ended and the “Clash of Civilizations” became the new existential threat, the deep state found an opening for another paradigm shift. As the all-pervasive threat of terrorism became the carte blanche for total surveillance, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be found the organizing principal of our age would not be military hardware, but data itself. Welcome to the age of the information-industrial complex.
My rattle-on repeat: There's one breaking point. An overdone fake event or false-flag. Although, contend this tension in self-exposure, a power-exchanging necessity. Ritual and exercise for purposes unto the unseen .
Somehow important is how we respond and shape-up. Beyond expediency for the deception to work.
Led to beckon and invite. Call upon by way of complacence, self -- come community -- hate, and not-aware but hate on God.
There must be a reason why healthy sensible sounding masses can watch a vid. like this and go; "And..."
One definition of evil is, it's beyond, human-alone like capacity. The relevant and ruin-mainstream narrative conspiracy and resistance to accept -- goes beyond, psychological-alone explanations.
Get "don't care" but not-beleive?
There's nothing that clever in getting the real news. Assume, and someone who appears engaged about current affairs. Blank and beaming a stupid smile -- "you're being OTT..."
Not rational. OK, it's more than...
Me open and Bible and turn off from all but work to shelter and feed.
Tap opposition. Unread as is. Somehow and back to mysteries, there's powers and a kind of -- again on -- 'unseen' gestalt, washing about in the background.
Dunno. Jus' try'n t'figure out, for sanity and resist c/o pray sake.
Use of 'gestalt' came through reading Jerusalem in My Heart, a hopeful plea on The Saker. Pass it on. Why not?