Blowing Bubbles
YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS! Farcical False Flag Threatens Global War.
Briefing by official representative of Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov Full Transcript.
Fresh up and not unexpected. Provokes this, quick-as, expression. Promising myself once "bomb Syria" is over; off-headlines, off all and be sure; Five websites and one vid. broadcaster. No peeking otherwise. No 'news' sites or dipping into you-tuber's. Chosen; Sane Prog. The Sites; PCR, Saker, A-fan and of course, Crimes and BBB.
Be a number keeping this up but that's fastin' for ya.
Today's 'plant a seed' -- didn't do for once -- would've been a bemoan the internet and "what am-I... do-in...?" Another self battering and hope ram on. Go and write about, writing about... the internet and it's tricks and traps. Even now, minutes tick loud, in a rush to get this over with. Hardly begun. Full of, should be doing other-things and better is nagging. Can I get this up in 15?
Again, wonder why? Half-embarrassed bother. If it isn't for the doing and believe the 'prophetic'? -- Gotta be kidding. Must not.
Been doing much receiving from the exasperated at the unceasing torrent of porkies. With this waltz about with loony MP tunes. Dumb and dark MSM. UK/US/Fr. managing some spectacular nonsense. Supreme bullshit, excelling in the movement toward full-spectrum self-exposure.
The problem is sane-ones, can't help themselves, talk as though, about... sane-ones. Call them the crack-pots they are but even then... there is method in this madness. Comes out of a well established fake-based heritage. Interesting how the need to reiterate not-too-far down this outrageous claiming road people will go. My dig would be; If a disputed 'incident' -- shut-it. No comment. But to step-back and sound sensible for 'the crowd' and credibility... It's not-good. Think "the children we're killed" -- just say nuttin. Because the evidence, the Evidence, suggests???
As Sane Prog. Debbie yelps; "UNTIL we break the lies..." All the rest is blowing bubbles.
Or, to mix metaphors; until the bubbles blow?
Some of that, is we go with and think, we're being detectives and busting crooks. Again, better we say than shut-up BUT, they WANT us to know, they are lying. Obvious and in this last month, with an exclamation mark and some lights on.
Not to say those screaming out should-not but there's stuff must try write up... prophecy-out. (Forthcoming attraction eh)
Like the mocking snarls. Richie Allen can make me laf. And Galloway, this last week. Cutting and humour but with respect -- Time to press pause. Breaking down mainstream/media and the madness is for doing and yet, somehow hope, someone cringes and listens to em. BUT hold on. Here's the scam. Who is?
All can be very churchy. Lots of little empire building. Noted that some of the older ones have sense to encourage voices and minor in reach. But there's far too much talking to... and not; vs. help others talk-up, when this what matters. The subscribers etc. are the army. They need to march-like, not sit/watch.
This all a judgement over our silence about false-flags (most hoaxes) -and- elite-led ritual child sacrifice.
The level of dominance and what this all becomes, depend on us -- and /my-line/ God. A call to get away and alone with... -- says he typing here and not so -- and make room and...
See ya, 15+ is up.