And, As Usual, Maybe Not.
Think it's important errors are admitted. Easy to pretend to forget, said blah-blah-blah and got it wrong. And, would we ever... get to drop, the false, off the flag?
Wondered if we'd ever see this and an altogether genuine looking stand-alone terror-able. No question. At least with less bells that we cannot pretend don't-matter. Must. Justice demands.
Part-incompetence come intentional is the spectrum. Seems in clearer murky examples, there's haphazard yet suspicions signs following, from numerical power-seeking through to purposeful self-revelation of methods.
Here in 'NY' we have about the most muted-about one yet. Reckon researchers and like are probably exhausted after the Las Vegas' head-spinning frenzy. Suggested, the next one would be big enough to distract from that, assume on the list of motives and another phony faker. (Yes, inc. with respect and not otherwise, to all and any injured or killed).
Las Vegas is still hot. The/who do/and/or cover-up -- like heat. I think. Enough, to almost burn em but never quite. Virtually the case and should do but somehow...
And so far there's been four suspicious deaths and those witnessing. And helicopters, and other shootings. Wasn't 'Las Vegas' it was that night and multi-locations. And the contradictions and convoluted mayhem, keeps rolling in.
This one hasn't been anything close to this and note for example, now what a day or so later, Drudge is headlining the preposterous sham of who runs the Fed. Who runs the swamping press.
And aside from BBB only two or three articles on 'NY' from those attempting to properly analyse. V.low nos of vids.
Is this because 'NY' looks modern-times thus far, most-probable, inspired by a form of Islam event? Giving room here and feel myself stretching to believe but as BBB writes and off the bat; As usual, this entirely could’ve been a straight-up ISIS-inspired, low-tech, ‘lone wolf’ attack. And, as usual, maybe not.
That word 'maybe'.
Of course, man well aware of Isis inc. etc. top-floor financing interests. The global idealists' hands behind the hands. We don't know, how let loose these mercenaries were given space or reins have been, and are, tight?
Are so-called attacks contrived or cultivated through leaving doors open?
To suppose the most possibly independent version, we should still be stumped and why oh why? Do an imagine and a rabid bring down the West and raise up some rads. thinking? What would we do?
What these kind of operations show, is none of the considerations, that might make most of their cause. Presumably, encourage others to follow suit.
Which suppose toward, have US bash on Muslims in their midst, such that it causes backlash and USISIS is squeezed up and out? Is this one likely to achieve much and how effective?
Oh let's ignore hands behind hands and blame overseas gangs and a book/and thereby close at home Muslims? Ones sneaking in on benevolent visas on a mission to destroy the Great Beast. Keeps the alphabet services budgeted up and busy.
And yet one man and a car is all the prep. and equipment needed. Or a kitchen utensil. Tough battle this ol' war on terror eh? All to bring down the States, when they themselves aka the banking-based elite, have been making a reliable job of this themselves.
So back to war-gaming and perhaps am not gettin' it, but what would one look like, when there's not much 'maybe' about it? Certain targets and acts, by certain profiles, that makes strategic and symbolic sense. Instead, we get Sayfullo jumping out after a set of questionable maneuvers, running in circles with barely weapons, shouting the trademark. Yet, all that complicated baggage, the background?
The don't be fussing argument is the vid of Abu did stir him to action and all as reported.
Can accept truth is stranger than... but why the alarm bells. Is it simply 'terrorism' can be odd and his neighbors -- initially, although now one is amping the loner/weirdo line -- paint someone who must have hidden his hate-US/love militant-caliphate, let me spend ages planning kill the peep persona.
But hey two days in and the story moves off and by next week all forgotten.
Admit this one is most-plausible and strange. The hallmarks are there. Grainy footage while strong on the 'maybe'. We never get far with false-flags, real victims somewhat undermines the question. Even if numbers are exaggerated. Fakery is more dangerous and perhaps the greater evil-ones prize.
Until the next time, may..