Aleppo Old City Liberated: Is War Nearly Over...?
Many Syrians will be celebrating what is such a strategic and symbolic victory in the quest to reclaim their country; even if much of Western media is treating Old Aleppo's liberation as a tragedy. While the entirety of rebel-held territory isn’t yet completely regained in Eastern Aleppo, it seems likely to be a matter of time. And the symbolic and cultural importance of recapturing the Old City – a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which has suffered massive damage and destruction in the course of the war – cannot be underestimated. What really is uncertain is how this all ends. If Damascus is in a position in the very near future to be able to declare ‘victory’ in Syria or to declare the war over, will foreign governments and agencies finally back off, celebrate the end of the fighting and seek to come to terms with President Assad? Or will we simply see an outright refusal to accept the outcome?
The Burning Blogger of Bedlam: In a major tactical and symbolic victory, it is now clear that Syrian government forces and its allies have liberated the Old City of Aleppo.
RT was the first to break the news on the ground.
21st Century Wire also covered the news and spoke to Vanessa Beeley, who is in Damascus and due to head to Aleppo. “Since I arrived in Damascus on Monday 5th December, there has been a simmering excitement from all members of society, a sense of impending victory in Aleppo,” she says. She has also met again with Mother Agnes Mariam de la Croix and discussed the Syrian government’s reconciliation projects and planned amnesties and rehabilitation plans for armed rebels. I recommend checking Vanessa’s site The Wall Will Fall over the next few days for updates.
While the entirety of rebel-held territory isn’t yet completely regained in Eastern Aleppo, it seems likely to be a matter of time. And the symbolic and cultural importance of recapturing the Old City – a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which has suffered massive damage and destruction in the course of the war – cannot be underestimated.
Much of Western media, however, isn’t painting the liberation of Old Aleppo in a positive light.