Paula And Donald
Strengths overdone are our weaknesses. Exemplified in some. Donald Trump a classic. Redeemable stands on the way to Prezville firmly pushed over into crashing error. The basis for this, is fantasy about the world. With 'faith' and corresponding baggage. For better or worse, for richer or...? Makes what odds?
Don't particularly want to write about Paula and Don but no one else much has. There's this Washington Post article. From the subject's perspective, a fair appraisal. Not hooked up with usual triggers and offload.
Key should be discerning the difference between culture, and where possible, philosophy and theology? Personality and character? Talk and actions?
The likelihood is Don's been 'turned'. Up until those first days in office had much of the corrupt lowdown -- and plans. Came in swinging ready to hit some home runs. When someone took him to meet the bosses of those he thought were the bosses. Now satisfied to run to the limits and next base. Play and along. Idealism reviewed and revised.
This and bullshit narratives, fed and obscuring, the monster inc. Hope in God, somehow, cliff-edge-avoid global destruction and rest alive -- enslavement.
Fifteen years ago Donald called Paula after seeing her on the box. Told her she has the... "it factor". Manners and teaching that suited the gold-plated suites. Looking toward running the political show and needing some sweet inspiration.
They pall'd up and consider God blessed him up into his new job. Unlike some, have no reason to believe they don't both operate out of sincerity. Question is, sincere 'bout what?
Paula is particularly despised by mainstream and moderate evangelicals. Her broad alliance and crowd, seen as all that's most wrong with the Church. Ever the negative apologetic with must add 'controversial' at the very mention. Aim to tell bystanders like a health warning on a packet of fags. Decry and bemoan all over the net but in many ways, short on analysis.
Not all that surprising. Paula does declaration over depth. A clanger here and there in some disclosures but knows best to keep her controversial/s within already accepted confines. Falls back on sounds-honest and suggest-openness.
Presumably lives, what to her, must be all affirming happy-days. Unashamed sentimentalist, doubtless jabbering to God all day. Swishes about on a busy adventure, with fun-times all about her "baby" of a pop star-ish hubby.
Charmed and charming. Unmistakably insecure but came from the relative tough and can always fall back on God has... "done it all".
Important to note here and the belief God is so in-charge and all that happs. must happ. -- deception's reassuring foundation. The word that's dropped in to affirm this is, 'sovereign'. Where Paula and Don at -- they surmise -- is where God, made or gets them, to be.
Another fave word; Destiny. Or, the more intellectual sounding version; Providence.
Generous as can be, maintain Paula etc's line is more strengths/overdone. Emphasis pushed with a certain steering-off beyond sense and soundness. Main madness is the foundation it's built on. Back to, 'what will be/will be'.
Another faulty assumption is the US-exceptionalism economics they claim. Reflected in personal ambitions and hail the dollar. The loudest alarm bells on Trump's rise-up were the completely silly claims about this. Even now, talk of the markets on the solid-up shows minimal insight and max blindness.
Trump has the front that suggests 'in charge' within aforementioned limited sphere. Responsible for two zeitgeist revelations and now public use of 'fake-news' and 'deep-state'.
Is this what he considers his honorable legacy? At least pushed these words into the acceptable lexicon. Trouble is they're what's termed, limited hangouts.
'News' isn't only reporting fakery, it's the integral vehicle for hoax events. And as for state-actors, we suspect pushing those in the corridors of power? Again, repeat; Layers and aren't as deep as portrayed.
So what's going on in the pulpit? Peter Koenig has him down as; 'The bully at the pulpit had no intention of addressing a road to peace'. Numbers and suffering marching onward and Donald is responsible, not to so, sing along.
Seeming safer than Clinton -- that moreish and malevolent hawk -- blew up, with the bombing of the Syrian/Russian airbase. Less war-talk in the run-up and 'make deals' with perceived opposition, reason elected. Now proud bully with big smiles and stupid smirk.
Stomping about all wind-up and obscene. For accompaniment, "God's-blessing-us, eh Paula". Barely a question mark.
But what do I know? God gracious beyond what we'd reckon. In spite of and as far as. But the war and lying is nasty stuff and there's nothing but protest and opposition from God on this.
So what's going on in the pulpit? 'Chickens back to roost' -- a should-avoid cliche -- comes to mind.
We need some collapse, which isn't God being negative and judging/helping-along -- but mercy. Need the military and pharma industrial-complex to slow down somehow? Stop moving into ever-more danger by another bully. Money the death-blood needs hemorrhaging and pressure release. Need some brokenness and humility. Need off this fate-believing train.
In the pulpit? This, the problem: A pulpit raises people up, unless maturity in abundance. Never the way of the way. Puff and swagger. Strut. There's conviction and there's hollow noise. Clanging symbols, jarring and appealing wrongly.
In the pulpit? Think God-for/in-all, regardless of justice, mercy and truth? Leads to pedals and steering barely justified. No changes of mind, aka repentance and this what we get. Headlong and thrill-ups at the speed and yes-peep "amen-ing".
Remix on: Pulpits tends to corrupt and absolute-God's will is done, corrupts absolutely. Pride with passivity in a giddy overconfidence.
Need collapse, to get off and up.
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