Even To The People Whom God Speaks Directly
What I like so much about the Bible is it fits and especially to those in trouble. Why like so much. For instance, having material and/or possibly social disadvantages, downtrodden -- in luck or otherwise -- is yet, a blessed opportunity. Low us becomes a form of exalted. Where failure becomes an entrance, humility the highest virtue.
And where God identifies through Gen. to Rev. with the lowly to lift. Jordan Peterson and here, for me, is all about identification. Somehow the manner's blatantly compassionate, aka standing in another man's shoes, and takes us with him -- and here's my strongest impression -- remaining troubled but somehow, grasping and tasting, the triumphant.
Accept, struggling to explain this but it's something about low and high and these both remaining. No fix and fly, more live with both.
Got to bit where he says; Even to the people whom God speaks directly. Which I suspect is not something you'd exactly want to happen. They have a relationship with God. But it's not a directive relationship exactly.
Cor. Cor that's good. And yet, want to shout "God is speaking directly to some who can hear -- and through this talk".
Makes me wanna preach. This is bridging talk and about the most pre-contemplative evangelism out there. He gets, or puts... us, inside his thinking. Want to concentrate. And somehow go on the road with.
My contention is these lectures are different than his other ones, for a couple or three reasons but the one that caps them all, is he is talking from -- and here's the clincher -- and reads well, the verses themselves.
So here typing, as I listen to JP. Which he's specifically warned students against. 'Pen down, pay attention, afterwards attempt to reinterpret and wrestle out', heard him go. Afterwards: Question and reappraise. Re-say. Get in it and out from it -- our-selves. Revelation personal. Find emerging questions hitting and thus far and should be, explored and maybe, answered?
Said would stick to only scooping text by others, yet said would review this now-monthly Biblical Series. So here be the exception consider worthy. Intrigued and his readings (yet) to come and how this interjects, and sets the whole thing on fire.
Think I'll splat out lines. Stop, splat, stop... etc.
"Who ya' talkin to, ya talkin' to me?"
Is this moving from powerful and interesting, to interesting?
Dropped the readings.
Which I consider leaven's-up the rest. Plus, inevitably talks out more, from the text. Of course this me and Bible words are 'something else' believer. Jordan has never indicated for a sec. believes this. Expect strongly resists Bible-primacy and might almost be in a rebellion towards, because this would make God somewhat more directive, than perhaps he considers?
And with this... would cometh a personal overturn. Encounter over education.
OK hour in. Am I projecting something here? XII talks that are now in a unique category, will repeat listen (again). Wrote JP one time and once left a comment that made note of the potential place of the readings and dynamic. Not suggesting JP read or cared or -- who am I -- influenced.
First principles; and no more outreach and signposts etc. (Something decided). Inc. writing individual bods.
In a previous post, wondered how it would compare and no reading-talks and thereby not speak so out of the very words and scripture? Got my opportunity eh.
See, even the telling of Biblical stories, is claimed by the Bible to be... different, from the Bible itself read.
Right O. Time to pause. Thanks for reading.
JP does sounds a little rushed. Has this made a difference? Even in there's no Selah pause and the pace?
Somehow is this God -- who he understandably holds lightly and with much mysterious unknown who or what -- not quite able to get on.
Get it on, bang a gong. Jordan P returns to lecture, that difficult 'second album'.
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