Deserves Investigation
David is calmly dismissed on T.V.
Next day/today, The Independent runs, Saudi Arabia bill will 'open courts of justice to families of 9/11 victims.
The comments alone need to be answered, before slapping on him, the worn-out and wearing-thin; "it's complicated, chaos and no substance in the claims".
David suggested they read his books, how about the top three comments at time of posting, from this Independent piece?
My guess, if they overly moderate they look too blatant in covering-up, stop allowing comments at all – brings that, and other consequences.
Next stage, admittance? The acceptance process. Let's 'all' now-say, “so what – it doesn't matter”?
The pied piper is losing its whistle. Mainstream media (professionals), must be in ever increasing, screwed-up dilemmas. They want to keep clam and… yes, carry on.
One of the comments below is all that's being asked: was reported and the information is widely available. And therefore requires consideration. (Before you lambast me, i didn't say its true). But it deserves investigation.
The silence or denial must be stopped. Like grown-ups should and do, "we need to talk".
2 hours ago
The Senator is an idiot.
We've known for a while that the Saudis paid bin Laden to keep away from Saudi Arabia. That fact was in Anthony Summers' book on 9/11.
But paying someone to stay away from your country is not the same thing as supporting acts of terror, full stop.
The simple fact is that to this day we have never been supplied with evidence Osama himself was even involved. Not one piece of credible evidence has ever been produced, but because of endless press repetition, people take it for granted as established truth. It is not.
The American Congressmen and Senators making a lot of silly noise over the secret parts of the 9/11 report absolutely have a special agenda.
The first reason for this act is just to open the plundering of Saudi assets by "survivors" through the US courts.
Survivor-hood in the United States sometimes turns into a full-time occupation. It certainly did in the case of Lockerbie where so much pressure was generated for so many years that eventually an innocent party was tried and convicted of something he did not do. In that case too, we still do not know what truly happened.
I'm sure some congressmen get quite tired of hearing from constituents about when something will be done. This gets them off the congressmen's backs.
The second reason is to divert increasing suspicions around Israel's involvement. We do not know exactly how Israel was involved, but it most certainly was.
Two gangs of Mossad agents were working in the US at the time. One a gang of "art students" travelling around and following the Saudis taking flight lessons, and the second a smaller group posing as amoving company which did not exist.
The moving company guys were actually reported to police when seen taking video of the impact and generally dancing around as it happened. They were arrested, questioned and eventually deported. This story is easily found on the Internet. We know nothing else about them or what they were doing.
There is no way at all a court could make an informed decision on this matter, but that may not stop US courts, which quite regularly make stupid decisions and feel free, through the prevailing sense of American exceptionalism to apply their rulings in recent years to affairs outside of their proper jurisdiction. After all, some US judges are elected and must play to the crowds as cheap politicians.
I think the arrogance in this latest American move simply reflects what is going on in so many other spheres, including China in the South Sea and Russia at the European border. America believes it can do what it wants, where it wants, and at any time it wants, and it uses its obscene military strength to make it so.
Israel was most certainly involved was it...what did the Israelis phone you to tell you or do you have connections high-up in the intelligence services? Or is it because you are another conspiracy theorist nutjob who finds the real truth too dull to stomach? I think I know the answer.....
Probably because it was reported and the information is widely available. And therefore requires consideration. Before you lambast me, i didn't say its true. But it deserves investigation.
Dude. I know you're a devout Israeli but you must surely understand that the CIA, MI6, Mossad, KGB (or whatever they are now) and all the secret service agencies of major players in the world get up to no good. Its what they're there for.
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