What happened?
Commented on Crimes of Empire The Orlando Nightclub “Attack”
Last night I retweeted ‘Dominos’ to ‘Is Orlando becoming the new Chicago?’ Be honest, I never really paid attention to the incident. Isn’t this telling, carried on. How many die a day – and where? Numbed by numbers. Earlier, I’d retweeted a photo of a girl that . . .
Dreamt about NOS last night.
This morning, watching this video was struck at the end, concerning unfulfilled or otherwise – 'when we look back… / we'll be able to trace what's been happening to… / for new development'.
The madness and yet-despair. The end before it truly begun. An open and . . .
Commented on Aangirfan's GIVE US YOUR OPINIONS
The need for the argument-ers to engage with opposing ones, not caricatures… straw men. This – whatever-else – truth-finding ways. The Bible “so-cruel a God, so how could you..?” I'd ask; given a plausible explanation, would this make any difference in being prepared, . . .
False-Flag Fatigue?
All I know is suspecting 'a false-flag' is fading in alt. relevancy. Only Aangirfan standing, certainly on this one. And progressively so, over recent months, assumptions 'it' was/as reported by the mainstream. For some, how tension . . .
Before a Fall
Why should those, who refuse to acknowledge – like us all – were wrong about the world in evidential terms, be trusted to know the right social order and ways ahead?
Anarchists and Socialists – and most Conservatives and the Right, every one who proclaims their politics, cannot be trusted unless 'awake'. And . . .
Pump Up The Volume
Here's me. Come on people, what we going to do?
Write here, send me.
My life. Are we awake and happening or what?
One of the distinctives of this website is the diversity of voices, often new to many. Would be easy with such a profile and pull, to chose those more familiar. My reckoning is our best . . .
Something Prophetic About That...
Photo of 'the anti-sjw boy wonder' HuntDunt and Milo. And Brother John. Truther Girls and… boys.
Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders, something Tom Peters said, I retweeted.
Somewhere I did a post about, or certainly included praise for, Brother John?
And somewhere/thing, . . .