11 and 9
Should give 9/11 a rest but hearing Richie Allan and James Perloff seems a little too thorough, not to tap out a post and final exclamation mark.
There is a line that suggests -- such as, Brandon Martinez -- '9/11 is increasingly irrelevant to modern events'. This seem to me, heavily follows what works for/against, our particular political hopes.
Brandon asks one question, must re-state my research on; 'How many Muslim or Arab immigrants in the West are even committed 9/11 truthers? Probably not very many.' Not quite sure what defines committed but guessing away not sure there's many, full stop. Yet, Muslims in the multitudes I've talked with, all know, it's a Western con and nasty trick. Not so family-line Brits and those ethnic min. Not that it matters much. Or get the shrug-a-longers and believers in the masters of war.
Muslim's though. They face a whole lot of social discrimination, all because of lies.
Those most for Osama etc did it, are fuel makers for expansionist conquest. Aka rape and burn.
Back where we stand and why? IF, serious viewing of evidence, throws strong likelihood to sure as can be sure, that 9/11 sets-up -- hard to find exceptions -- all the false-flags and many hoax events. If so, 9/11 is the unholy forerunner.
Again Brandon, 'So then what is the ultimate purpose of 9/11 truth when its central premise, that the “terror threat” is entirely fabricated by governments, is belied by modern developments? These truthers have to maintain that all Islamic-related terrorism since 9/11 has also been faked, or else they risk losing relevance.'
As stated. Yeah... manifestly so and without too much cover-up. West-based terrorist incidents could be consistent enough -- assuming not 'real' -- to fool all, and most anyone. Look no deeper than a search term on You Tube, it's difficult not to discover; Ain't coming from the "Allahu Akbar" heart. Sloppy scripting and production expose doubts without care of capture. Set up to look stupid.
There are 50 comments on Brandon's post. How the disagreed-with, often make, for a brighter read.
Back to James Perloff. Paused the Richie 'radio' interview to scan James latest piece but what Richie says about banana skins and Zionism/Jews -- what have ya. Times are and moving more into this greater acceptance and increasing significance of this component, rings true for me.
The fact, this in reluctance, to go with the rabid 'name them Jews and Jews alone' wing and in this trying to find balance, context and anyway; the ones in Hate HQ undoubtedly hate Israel, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Black, White, whatever...
OK, Hate God, my personal deliberation. The one who said, 'whatever you do to the least of them, you do to..'
Final signpost. Jumped into 'Powers & Principalities Episode 16' and "the trouble with normies". On for a few minutes mid-way through, with the emphasis to awaken others and wise ways to which I warmly relate. Against the run, care enough, we have a go.
Since publishing “9/11 Simplified,” I’ve received emails from six pilots, none of whom accept the official 9/11 story. Two were scheduled to fly in Boeings on the morning of 9/11.
Another is a UK-born pilot with about 20 years of flight experience. He is still actively flying as a captain on Airbus A300s, and spent many years training airline pilots. He has provided me with so many technological insights into aviation and 9/11 that I felt I should publish excerpts from our exchanges. For enhancement, I have added a few graphics and embedded some of the video clips he referred me to. For clarity, my comments are in bold and his in normal font. Of course, what we originally said has been rearranged into a more orderly sequence.
To keep his identity confidential, I’ll call him “Pilot A.” Some of his remarks bear on 9/11 in general, and some are specific to my article “9/11 Simplified,” so it will be helpful to readers if they are familiar with that post, which I may eventually republish in a revised edition. MORE